Saturday, January 18, 2020
Energy Trends And Energy Policy In Malaysia Environmental Sciences Essay
In the twelvemonth 2005, the energy ingestion in Malaysia is about 38.9 Mtoe which is addition about 5.6 per centum from the twelvemonth 2000. Oil is a significant part of energy consumed which is about 63 per centum. It is chiefly used in the industrial and conveyance sector. Natural gas ingestion besides increased in analogue with the fuel electricity demand. Although it is decrease from 77 per centum in yea 2000 to 70 per centum in twelvemonth 2005 but it still considered as a high in the portion of natural gas with the electricity coevals. Actually the authorities wants to increase the portion of coal in the electricity coevals mix, but it merely reached about 22 per centum in 2005. In twelvemonth 1980, Malaysia authorities introduced the National Depletion Policy. It is because Malaysia has many conventional energy resources ( oil and gas ) and renewable energy such as hydro, biomass and solar energy. The intent of this policy is to develop the economic system ‘s oil and gas in a sustainable mode and fixed the maximal day-to-day oil and gas production degrees. The production degrees for the natural gas militias are expected to last another 33 old ages and oil militias are expected to last another 19 old ages. Malaysia authorities introduced the Five Fuel Strategy in order to happen alternate energy beginnings after oil, coal, natural gas and hydro. In 2005, biodiesel was introduced for the conveyance sector to accomplish sustainable energy development through variegation of fuel beginning. Energy demand The portion of Malaysia ‘s urban population will increase from 63 per centum in 2002 to 78 per centum in 2030. Besides, the existent GDP besides increase about 3.4 per centum per annum. The increasing of population and existent GDP will take to alter in lifestyle and do energy demand besides increase in the conveyance, commercial and industrial sector. Beginning: Global Penetrations ( 2005 ) Figure: Real GDP and Population The concluding energy demand until 2030 shows the industry sector will hold the highest growing rate which is about 4.3 per centum. The 2nd growing rate is transport sector at 3.9 per centum and followed by residential at 3.1 per centum. The lowest growing rate energy demand is commercial sector at 2.7 per centum. The concluding energy demand is shown in figure below. Beginning: APERC Analysis ( 2006 ) Figure: Final Energy Demand Although the concluding energy demand for the industry sector is the growing rate, but its mean one-year growing is decrease about 7.5 per centum over the past two decennaries. It is because of the switching industry construction from energy intensive to non-intensive energy and betterment of energy efficiency. Energy demand for natural gas is expected to growing at 43 per centum of industrial demand in 2030. Hence, substitute the oil as a primary fuel in Malaysia. Malaysia authorities makes many programs in order to happen alternate renewable fuel. It can see by the development of biomass energy in Malaysia. Biomass energy is used in cogeneration by palm oil industries. Intro Production The Malayan authorities stated that mush and paper industry as one of the of import sector for investing in the 2nd industrial maestro program ( IMP 2 ) . The chief aim of this program is to accomplish a province of ego sufficient, cut down import and promote foreign capital influx. Although, in the twelvemonth 1997 occur Asiatic Crisis, the mush and paper industry still can last to make their production. No mill was closed down or taken by larger companies at this clip. The mush and paper industry merely produce little production because they cutting the cost of production but still efficient. This industry besides concentrating on niche markets at the national graduated table. Until now, this industry becomes one of the of import sectors that contribute to development of Malaysia economic system. The entire capacity of mush and paper production is about over than one million tones per twelvemonth and it is increase twelvemonth by twelvemonth. In Malaysia, the production of mush and paper industry does non carry through the domestic ingestion. Malaysia had ever dependent on newspaper import. Figure: Malaya Pulp Production and Consumption Figure: Malaysia Paper Production and Consumption Malaya is turning in the paper recycling procedure. Many mills use about 95 per centum wastepaper as a natural stuff base. Some company makes net income by selling the wastepaper to another company. The authorities decided to censor export of wastepaper to do certain that all of the wastepaper collected stayed in the state. Figure: Pulp and Paper mill in Malaya From the figure, there are 20 mills of mush and paper in Malaysia. For the instance survey, three mills were selected. The mills are: Cenpak Holding ( M ) Sdn Bhd Plo 59, Jalan Perusahaan 4, Senai Industrial Estate, 81400 Senai, Johor. The company specialising in the maker of expandible polystyrene boxes and corrugated paper cartons merchandises. This company was established in twelvemonth 1991. 2 ) Genting Sanyen Industrial Paper Sdn Bhd Batch 7090. Mukim Tg. 12, Karung Berkunci 206, 42700 Banting, Selangor Malaya The company specialising in the maker of line drives and corrugated medium documents. This company was established in twelvemonth 1992. It has approximately 600 employees working in this company. The company is able to bring forth 250,000 M/T of industrial paper per twelvemonth. 3 ) Ornapaper Industry ( M ) Sdn Bhd No. 8998, Kawasan Perindustrian Peringkat IV Batu Berendam 75350 Melaka Malaya The company specialising in the maker of corrugated cartons and boards. This company was established in twelvemonth 1990.It has approximately 300 employees working in two displacements. The company is able to bring forth 100,000 M/T of corrugated boards and cartons per twelvemonth. Table shows the entire operating hr and net production for each mill. From the tabular array below, the highest production and runing hr is from Genting Sanyen compared to Ornapaper and Cenpak. It is because Genting Sanyen has a big works and many fabrication machines that allow to bring forth a big sum of production. No Item Unit of measurement Cenpak Genting Sanyen Ornapaper 1 2 Operating hr Net Production h/yr t/yr 6240 6,645 8400 196,631 5840 43,756 Table: Entire runing hr and net production Operational government and production figures Cenpak Holding ( M ) Sdn Bhd The works operates for 24 hours a twenty-four hours throughout the twelvemonth. The operational government of the works differs harmonizing to the procedure as shown in table below. No Item Unit of measurement Figure 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Base information CCB Corrugator machine Flexo Printing machines Waste H2O intervention EPS Preexpansion Modeling machines Dryers Boiler room operation Boiler 1 Boiler 2 h/yr h/yr h/yr h/yr h/yr h/yr h/yr h/yr 3,120 3,120 3,120 6,240 6,240 6,240 6,240 3,120 Plant operational government The monthly net production end product for the period January 2000 to December 2000 is shown in the undermentioned tabular array. Calendar month Unit of measurement Expanded polystyrene Corrugated carton box Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Sum T T T T T T T T T T T T T 59 74 62 48 57 65 66 66 53 64 45 36 695 567 743 478 479 478 422 533 472 453 565 456 306 5,950 Entire net production for the mention period Genting Sanyen Industrial Paper Sdn Bhd Operational government and production figures The works operates for 24 hours a twenty-four hours throughout the twelvemonth. The operational government of the works for each section is shown in table below. Department Working ( yearss ) Number of Shifts Working Hours Annual Operating Hours Stock readying 7 3 24 8,400 Paper machine 7 3 24 8,400 Care 7 3 24 8,400 The monthly production end product for the twelvemonth 2000 is given in the tabular array below. Calendar month Production ( T ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Entire 16,055 16,073 15,961 16,266 16,928 17,078 16,944 16,686 14,960 17,144 15,743 16,795 196,631 Ornapaper Industry ( M ) Sdn Bhd The Ornapaper works operates 16 hours a twenty-four hours on two displacements. However, certain subdivisions operate over longer periods. The one-year operating hours of the works harmonizing to the procedure are shown in Table below Plant one-year runing hr Unit of measurement Figure Corrugator machine Printing machine Waste H2O intervention Boiler Compressor Hr/yr Hr/yr Hr/yr Hr/yr Hr/yr 5840 5840 5840 5840 5840 The monthly production end product of the works for the twelvemonth 2002 is shown table below Calendar month Unit of measurement Corrugated box Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Tones Tones Tones Tones Tones Tones Tones Tones Tones Tones Tones Tones 4,234 2,976 4,054 3,946 4,256 3,818 3,375 3,157 3,190 3,571 3,659 3,520 Entire Tones 43,756 Monthly production for the twelvemonth 2002 Manufacturing procedure For the instance survey, fabricating procedure for each mill is different. It is because each works produces different merchandise and different machine. In order to accomplish energy salvaging step, it is of import to cognize the fabrication procedure and it energy ingestion in the procedure. Cenpak Holding ( M ) Sdn Bhd The company produces expandible polystyrene boxes and corrugated box. The production of corrugated box based on the client specification. The production procedure is begins with starch readying and paper axial rotations. The following phase is corrugators subdivision. In this subdivision, the corrugator machine will convey together a sheet of paper to organize individual or dual bed corrugated paper. The paper is produced in a uninterrupted procedure harmonizing to the merchandise design and specifications. The machine is divided into chief subdivisions, flute and hot home base subdivisions. The flute subdivision is divided into flutes portion and dual angel. The paper axial rotations are transported under the axial rotation stands utilizing conveyers. The operator so feeds the axial rotations into the corrugators. In the individual facer, the paper is which give the paper the fluted form. Starch is applied to the tips of the flutes on one side and the interior line drive is glued to the flute. The corrugated flute medium with one line drive attached to it, is called individual phaser web and travels along the machine towards dual angel. This subdivision is known as line preheater. There, the individual facer web meets the outer line drive and forms the corrugated board. After the board emerges from dual angel, it passes a steam heated a steam flatcar known as hot home base, the cutter cuts the board to the exact required length to obtain the corrugated sheet. Finally, corrugated sheets are stacked and sent to the 2nd subdivision of the corrugators hall by operators. Then, the corrugated carton box goes to following procedure which is publishing and slotting, cutting, turn uping and pasting the board to fabricate a corrugated box. In this subdivision, it have flexographic or flexo machines. This machine will publish, cuts, creases and glues the board into the concluding form in one operation. Unfortunately, non all operation can be managing with flexo machine. For the big poster board or more sophisticated packaging manner instance, it will travel to decease cutting and sewing or pasting procedure manually. Last, the corrugated carton box will be sent to review subdivision. In this subdivision, the merchandise will be inspects whether it is fulfill the client specification or non. After the review subdivision is complete, the merchandise will be sent to the client. Flow Diagram of corrugated box procedure Starch Preparation Paper RollsCorrugatorPrintingDie CutGluing/StitchingInspectionDeliveryThe 2nd of merchandise in this company is expandible polystyrene boxes. Figure below shows the general procedure to do the expandible polystyrene boxes. EPS RESIN NEW MOULD EXPANDER SILO AGING Molding Machine REQUIRE DRYING DRYING Packing material STORING Delivery Energy use at modeling procedure. Polystyrene modeling procedure requires the supply of steam, compressed air, electricity, chilling H2O and vacuity. Steam is required to provide heat for the formation of the polystyrene mold and chilling H2O to chill the vacuity pumps and molds. Compressed air is chiefly needed for the control of the molding procedure, purge of H2O and gap of the mold. Vacuum is required in the chilling and emptying of extra steam before the mold gap. Genting Sanyen Industrial Paper Sdn Bhd Flow diagram of production procedure of paper Waste PaperRaw stuff StorageStock Preparation Paper Machine Whitewater Preparation Wire Section Imperativeness Section Dryer Section Completing Section Paper Rolls First, the waste paper is collected and some waste paper is import from another company. After that, the natural stuff will be store up to six-month supply. The stock readying starts with the cleansing procedure. It starts with the centrifugal cleansing of the diluted mixture of contaminated fibres. The diluted waste paper mixture is pumped to different machines whose intent it is to divide the useable fibres from the ink or any other soiled stuff, which might be attached to the fibre. The mixture has to be farther diluted, dewatered, washed and pressed to hold those fibres reclaimed, which are clean and transcend a certain fibre size, the remainder is discarded as sludge. The fibres are separated in short and long fibres to command the strength and quality of the paper by choosing the appropriate mixture in the paper production subsequently on. Then, the procedure continues to the paper machine subdivision. The paper machine is used as a large drier which transform the loose fibres into solid sheet of paper. The paper machine can be spliting into another subdivision which is the white water readying system, the wire subdivision, the imperativeness subdivision, the drier subdivision with size imperativeness and finishing subdivision. Whitewater readying is provides the circulating H2O for the paper machine. The wire subdivision is orientating the fibres on a traveling screen ( wire ) and allows large measures of H2O to go through through. The imperativeness subdivision presses the H2O in the imperativeness felt which in bend is cleaned with hard-hitting H2O noses and suction tubings for H2O remotion. For the drier subdivision it will distilling inside the cylinder and heats the surface to about 140 & A ; deg ; C. Lastly, the finishing subdivision provides a steel calendar for smoothing the surface. Ornapaper Industry ( M ) Sdn Bhd The company produce corrugated box which is same with the Cenpak Holding. Hence, the fabrication procedure to bring forth corrugated box besides same. The procedure involve with starch readying and paper axial rotations, corrugators, printing, dice cut, pasting, review and bringing. Energy use at the corrugator The energy consumed at the corrugators subdivision is electrical and thermic energy. Electrical energy is used to run motors, fans and compressor. Thermal energy or steam supplied to the assorted subdivisions of the corrugators. . Boiler is used to bring forth steam for corrugator subdivision to blow H2O intervention works ( WWTP ) . Steam is supplied through a distribution pipe and the distribution is shown in figure below.BoilerSteam HeadingConveyerHot PlateDouble BeckerPreheaterWater TankIntro energy ingestion Energy ingestion of mush and paper industry is about 3 per centum from the entire industrial energy ingestion in Malaysia. The mush and paper industry self-generates from the energy required to back up the fabrication procedure. Wood waste fuels, chemical waste fuel watercourse and power cogeneration is the illustration of the spontaneous. Table below show the Malayan industrial energy ingestion in 2003. Cenpak Holding ( M ) Sdn Bhd Energy and public-service corporations ingestion The public-service corporations supplied to the site are electricity, Medium Fuel Oil ( MFO ) and H2O. The entire energy ingestion of the mill and the one-year energy and public-service corporation costs in the twelvemonth 2001 is shown in table below. No Item Unit of measurement Measure Cost th.RM 1 2 3 4 MFO Electricity Water Sum th.ltr MWh th.m3 Th.RM 1,363 2,961 35 736 688 76 1,501 Annual energy public-service corporation ingestion and costs for the twelvemonth 2001 Chart: one-year energy public-service corporation ingestion ( 2001 ) From the pie chart, we can see that MFO and electricity contribute major energy to the Cenpak Holding. Therefore, it recommended concentrating to this energy to cut down the cost. Description of the electric web The mill is billed under Duty E2 by TNB. The electric use, demand and cost sum-up for 2001 is shown in table below. Calendar month On-peak ( KWh ) Off-peak ( KWh ) Entire ( KWh ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Entire Annually cost ( th.RM/yr ) Average monetary value RM/KWh 167,160 157,800 156,450 141,350 113,510 151,000 151,320 185,440 170,200 157,130 152,220 124,810 1,828,390 380 96,390 91,250 88,690 98,050 76,980 96,920 107,710 119,000 101,440 102,330 88,550 65,780 1,133,090 145 263,550 249,050 245,140 239,400 190,490 247,920 259,030 304,440 271,640 259,460 240,770 190,590 2,961,480 688 0.232 Electricity duty Item Unit of measurement Rate Electrical energy Duty codification On peak period rate Off peak period rate Maximal demand for each KWh RM/KWh RM/KWh RM/month E3S 0.208 0.128 21.70 From the graph, we can see that the highest electricity ingestion was in August and the lowest is in May. The electricity ingestion is all of a sudden reduced in May and get down addition from June to August. The peak clip and off extremum is reduced towards the terminal of the twelvemonth. Fuel supply and ingestion The fuel used at Cenpak Holding is Medium Fuel Oil ( MFO ) . MFO is used in the boiler. The MFO ingestion and costs for the twelvemonth 2001 is shown in table below. No Fuel Unit of measurement Figure Entire cost ( th.RM ) 1 MFO ltr 1,363,250 736 Water Consumption Water ingestion for the twelvemonth 2001 is shown in table below. Calendar month Consumption ( M3 ) Cost ( RM ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Entire 2,351 2,560 2,806 2,720 2,747 3,473 2,743 2,580 2,251 3,486 3,720 3,077 34,514 4,558.93 5,722.81 6,274.98 6,080.85 6,142.08 7,768.32 6,132.37 5,768.00 5,031.04 7,797.05 8,320.85 6,881.28 76,478.56 From the graph, we can see that the highest H2O ingestion was in November and the lowest is in January. The cost for the H2O ingestion is parallel with the H2O ingestion. Higher the H2O ingestion, higher the cost. Genting Sanyen Industrial Paper Sdn Bhd Energy and public-service corporation ingestion The public-service corporations supplied to the site are electricity, steam, and H2O. The one-year energy cost in the twelvemonth 2000 for each public-service corporation is shown in table below. No Utility Unit of measurement Consumption Equivalent Energy Cost GJ%1000 RM%1 2 3 Electricity Steam Water MWh T M3 98,602 316,199 2,247,232 1,268 867,334–868,602 0.15 99.85–100 19,720 7,905 1123.6 28,746 25 73 3 100 Chart one-year cost for each public-service corporation From the pie chart, we can see that electricity consume the major portion of the cost which is 69 % . Therefore, it is recommended concentrating the electricity energy to cut down the cost. Specific electricity ingestion per ton ( EUI ) The specific electricity ingestion per ton ( EUI ) for the twelvemonth 2000 is shown in the tabular array below. Calendar month Electricity ( MWh ) Production ( T ) EUI ( MWh/t ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 7,185 7,063 6,929 7,246 7,365 8,623 8,772 8,766 8,201 9,319 8,693 10,441 16,055 16,073 15,961 16,266 16,928 17,078 16,944 16,686 14,960 17,144 15,743 16,795 0.45 0.44 0.43 0.45 0.44 0.50 0.52 0.53 0.55 0.54 0.55 0.62 Entire 98,602 196,631 0.50 Table specific electricity ingestion per ton ( EUI ) From the graph, we can see that specific energy ingestion per ton ( EUI ) reaches the highest in December and lowest in March. The mean electricity ingestion is 0.50 MWh/ton. Specific steam ingestion The specific steam ingestion ( EUI ) for the twelvemonth 2000 is shown in the tabular array below. Calendar month Steam ( T ) Production ( T ) EUI ( t/t ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 26,074 26,270 26,023 27,029 27,142 27,024 24,658 28,111 27,247 28,353 22,333 25,935 16,055 16,073 15,961 16,266 16,928 17,078 16,944 16,686 14,960 17,144 15,743 16,795 1.62 1.63 1.63 1.66 1.60 1.58 1.46 1.68 1.82 1.65 1.42 1.54 Entire 316,199 196,631 1.61 Table specific steam ingestion per ton ( EUI ) Specific steam ingestion From the graph, we can see that specific steam ingestion ( EUI ) reaches the highest in September and lowest in November. The mean electricity ingestion is 1.61 t/t. The specific H2O ingestion for the twelvemonth 2000 is shown in the tabular array below. Calendar month Water ( M3 ) Production ( T ) Spec. Water Consumption ( m3/t ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 18,2257 16,6727 17,7752 17,7061 17,9752 18,5445 20,6532 19,7667 19,4102 20,0148 18,2558 19,7231 16,055 16,073 15,961 16,266 16,928 17,078 16,944 16,686 14,960 17,144 15,743 16,795 11.35 10.37 11.14 10.89 10.62 10.86 12.19 11.85 12.97 11.67 11.60 11.74 Entire 2,247,232 196,631 11.43 Table specific H2O ingestion. From the graph, we can see that specific H2O ingestion ( EUI ) reaches the highest in September and lowest in February. The mean electricity ingestion is 11.43 m3/t.Energy and Utilities ConsumptionThe major energy consumed in their works is light fuel oil ( LFO ) , electricity and diesel oil. Electricity is utilised chiefly for its procedure machine such as corrugator, publishing machines, sewing machine, compressor, fan and office. LFO is used by boiler to bring forth steam while Diesel is chiefly used for vehicles. The entire energy and public-service corporations ingestion for the twelvemonth 2002 is shown in table below. No Item Unit of measurement Measure Cost th.RM 1 2 3 4 LFO Diesel Electricity Water Sum th.ltr th.ltr MWh M3 th.RM 1,485 102 3,294 24,346 980 64 605 36 1,685 Chart: one-year energy public-service corporation ingestion ( 2002 ) From the pie chart, we can see that LFO and electricity contribute major energy to the Ornapaper. Therefore, it recommended concentrating to this energy to cut down the cost. Electricity duty The site belongs to TNB ‘s duty codification E2 – Medium Voltage Peak / Off-peak Industrial Tariff. Table below shows the duty rate. Item Unit of measurement Rate Electrical energy Duty codification On peak period rate Off peak period rate Maximal demand for each KWh RM/KWh RM/KWh RM/month E2 0.208 0.128 21.70 Electricity ingestion Table below shows the monthly electricity ingestion and costs for the twelvemonth 2002. Calendar month On-peak ( KWh ) Off-peak ( KWh ) Entire ( KWh ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Entire 198,000 195,860 200,350 218,840 209,570 209,570 210,520 215,850 215,380 202,780 212,690 186,130 2,475,540 100,270 85,040 111,930 111,460 112,460 112,460 73,460 84,720 78,260 73,060 61,250 62,640 1,067,010 298,270 280,900 312,280 330,300 322,030 322,030 283,980 300,570 293,640 275,840 273,940 248,770 3,542,550 Annually cost ( th.RM/yr ) 515 137 651 Average monetary value ( RM/KWh ) 0.184 Graph: Electricity Consumption ( 2002 ) From the graph, we can see that the highest electricity ingestion was in April and the lowest is in December. The peak clip is about same throughout the twelvemonth but the off extremum is reduced towards the terminal of the twelvemonth. Fuel ingestion Light Fuel Oil ( LFO ) and Diesel are used at Ornapaper. As reference before, LFO is used for boiler to bring forth steam and Diesel is used for vehicle. Table below shows the fuel ingestion for the twelvemonth 2002. No Fuel Unit of measurement Figure Entire cost ( th.RM ) 1 1.1 1.2 Liquid fuel LFO Diesel ltr ltr 1,621,280 101919 1070 64 Entire Cost 1134 Specific Energy Consumption ( 2002 ) Calendar month Electricity ( KWh ) LFO ( ltr ) Production ( metric tons ) Specific Energy Consumption Electricity ( Kwh/tonnes ) LFO ( GJ/tonnes ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 298,270 280,900 312,280 330,300 322,030 322,030 283,980 300,570 293,640 275,840 273,940 248,770 99,655 71,182 160,527 93,764 239,073 130,255 145,800 149,236 87,873 164,152 143,427 136,337 4,234 2,976 4,054 3,946 4,256 3,818 3,375 3,157 3,190 3,571 3,659 3,520 70.4 94.4 77.0 83.7 75.7 84.4 84.1 95.2 92.1 77.2 74.9 70.7 0.85 0.86 1.43 0.86 2.03 1.23 1.56 1.71 1.00 1.66 1.42 1.40 Entire 3,542,550 1,621,280 43,756 81.6 1.33 Graph specific energy ingestion ( electricity ) From the graph, we can see specific energy ingestion highest in February and the lowest in January. Specific energy ingestion is cut down from October to January. Therefore, it is chances to cut down the electricity ingestion. Graph specific energy ingestion ( LFO ) From the graph, we can see specific energy ingestion highest in May and the lowest in January. Specific energy ingestion is about same from January to February. Therefore, it is chances to cut down theLFO ingestion and step energy salvaging for the boiler. Water Consumption Water is used for boiler to bring forth steam and for publishing procedure at the Ornapaper. The H2O ingestion for Ornapaper in the twelvemonth 2002 is given in table below. Calendar month Figure ( M3 ) Entire Cost ( th.RM ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Entire 1,480 1,581 2,486 1,994 2,349 2,331 2,245 1,986 1,171 1,194 1,676 3,265 23,758 2,175.60 2,324.07 3,654.42 2,931.18 3,453.03 3,426.57 3,300.15 2,919.42 1,721.37 1,755.18 2,463.72 4,799.55 34,924.26 Graph H2O consumotion and cost ( 2002 ) From the graph, we can see that the highest H2O ingestion was in December and the lowest is in September. The cost for the H2O ingestion is parallel with the H2O ingestion. Higher the H2O ingestion, higher the cost.
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