Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Embryonic Stem Cells Research Essay -- Biology, Science Experiment
Early stage undifferentiated organisms research is a clashing subject in the United States. A few people feel that it is ethically and strictly inaccurate as they are murdering a human life at the principal phase of life. While some think it is alright in light of the fact that the human life to them begins at the phase of the baby. In this paper we will examine the all out angle meaning: how the administration takes playThe aim of this examination paper is to advise about the advantages of creature testing for mankind through the advancement of clinical medicines and the personal satisfaction since forever. Likewise attempt to convince the general public that is against this training about the numerous positive factors that has given us the creature tries in the fight against infections and conditions. By which today are effectively killed numerous infections and irritations that used to be lethal. At last, we will likewise show our own contentions benefiting ourselves of certain bo oks and articles distributed on the web about this dubious issue. Our own motivations are to uncover the numerous positive factors that have creature testing on the couple of burdens that a few associations by and large purposely misrepresented. Creature Testing We chose to do this exploration about the creature testing in light of the fact that is one of the issues that have produced more debate worldwide throughout the years. Like any issue that is a universal moral problem, there is consistently a piece of the general public that underpins, and another that denounces it. We expect through this examination to decide the reasons why we're all for this training and bolster it completely. To strengthen this perspective in this work we have included three arti... ...kes, Alzheimer, birth abandons, organ transplant and some more. Envision how others will profit by those investigations. We might be even ready to help different nations with the investigation of undeveloped foundational microorganism. We could spare people’s lives or make them live somewhat longer until a genuine fix is found. We have looked into numerous zones of early stage foundational microorganisms. We have disks how the administration takes play in the exploration of undeveloped immature microorganisms. We likewise contact how early stage undifferentiated organisms are made, and that there are various approaches to take early stage immature microorganisms without devastating the undeveloped organism. At long last we had the option to discover one FDA affirmed trail continuing including early stage immature microorganism research. We still haven’t chose if this is a positive or negative exploration as there are a wide range of perspectives and purpose of perspectives on this debate subject. Supposition we need to settle on a truce on this one.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Panini Company Business Plan
Strategy â€Å"The Panini King†â will give newly made Panini’s in a brief timeframe with a few decisions in the sort of bread, cheddar and meat for the clients. There will likewise be sideâ€dishes, for example, chips, plunges, and salads.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on The Panini Company: Business Plan explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is being arranged and worked by an informed and tremendously experienced business person, Mr. Diminish McConkey. Since economic situations in a territory can significantly affect the benefit of the eatery (Goodpasture et al), â€Å"The Panini King†situated in a bustling business zone will fulfill a neglected interest for inexpensive food do-it without anyone's help (DIY). The Panini King isn't â€Å"just another†inexpensive food organization rather it will be aâ unique blend of magnificent tweaked food at esteem evaluating in an engaging climate. Our examinations and experience show that clients (1) need an incentive for everything thatâ it buys, (2) a perfect eatery (3) need decisions (4) need helpful proposals, and (3) need snappy assistance †a need for any cheap food organization (restaurantowner.com). Panini King will do thisâ by giving tweaked, new and delicious sandwichesâ within a short casing of time. It will likewise give clients choices in bread, cheeses, and meat in their Panini’s alongside a sound servings of mixed greens, chips, and beverages. â€Å"In 2010, the United States inexpensive food advertise is estimate to have an estimation of $57.6 billion, an expansion of 12.1% since 2005†(McCarty).This plan is set up to set up the monetary practicality of the eatery and to bring $40,000 up in a 7-year term credit to back the gear and leasehold upgrades. Extra financing required will be given by the proprietor. Goals In the initial three years of activity the targets are to make the joint a well known goal for c lients, holding the expense of food under 30% of income, keeping work cost between 25 to 30% of income, arriving at yearly deals volume ofâ 1 million dollars, controlling expenses, and recruiting experts, for example, CPA’s, to hold the business under control.Advertising Looking for research project on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Mission The mission of â€Å"The Panini King†is to be a chief cheap food organization. Our visitors won't simply make the most of their Panini’s yet additionally appreciate the mood when visiting The Panini King, planning to give an encounter that is as satisfying to the faculties all things considered to the sense of taste. With its agreeable, conversational environmental factors, and quality fixings, it is anything but difficult to perceive any reason why Panini King would prevail in its crucial (Bread, 2009). Keys to Success There are key ou ter elements that are outside the control of the proprietor however can have yet are probably going to affect business (IBISworld). Nonetheless, the keys to our prosperity lies in : (1) Creating a well disposed and agreeable climate that will separate us from our rivals. (2) Serving sound menu choices at unparalleled costs in a spotless domain, reliably. (3) Controlling expenses and (4) Hiring and holding the most reasonable individuals for the activity. Organization Summary The recognizing attributes of the Panini King will be Entertaining environmental factors, Quality food, Variety, Longer hours, Self-administration, and Friendly representatives. Organization Ownership Peter McConkey, theâ sole owner of the Panini King with Bachelors in Science certificate from University California with Major in Economy and Minor in Management. Mr. McConkey had his underlying experience from family claimed business dependent on which he has propelled his own business activity. He likewise has i nvolvement with dissemination and client relationship and has exhibited his aptitudes in showcasing and publicizing. Start-Up Summary Panini Joint’sâ start-up costs incorporate Restaurant Layout †representatives, and experts to design leasehold enhancements and inside plan. Travel †Travel costs for Mr. Diminish to make a trip to his area of business. Rent Hold Improvement/Equipment †would be introduced after the underlying arranging. Showcasing Strategy A blend of TV commercials and circulation of flyers to neighborhood organizations will be utilized to report the opening of the restaurant. Local radio and print media will likewise be utilized to declare the opening of the best and just Panini cheap food organization in California. Free Panini’s will offered to the initial 100 clients and a novel idea of having Panini’s named after clients who visit the joint the most and spot it in an unmistakable spot. A definitive type of publicizing is the informal exchange and this is the thing that we will urge our devoted clients to do on a continuous basis.Advertising We will compose a custom research project test on The Panini Company: Business Plan explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Sales Strategy The business procedure is to give best client assistance to increaseâ repeat customers.â Once the business comes to over $ 400,000 every year we intend to open extra joints in different urban areas across USA. We mean to establishment the name and the business framework the nation over and keep up a normalized way to deal with all focuses. This thusly will bring about more occupations creation which will be accessible to youthful, dynamic and persevering people. Book reference Goodpasture, John et al, Restaurant Market Analysis. College of Wisconsin-Extension, 1994. Web. IBISworld â€Å"Takeaway Food Retailing in Australia†. 2009. Web. Mccarty, Michael â€Å"Fast Food Market Forecast †The Subway Exam ple of Strategic Product Positioning.†Fast Food Market Forecast †The Subway Example of Strategic Product Positioning. 2007. Web. Panera Bread. The Proof is in the Success (2009). Web. What Do Customers Want? (2009). Web. This research paper on The Panini Company: Business Plan was composed and presented by client Bodhi Cruz to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Monday, August 3, 2020
what am i doing
what am i doing I thought, since my last post was actually quite uninformative re:MIT facts and information, and instead I just blogged my feelings (which isn’t all bad, I suppose) today I could actually tell you what I’m doing this semester. 6.832 class. I had the most information about this in my last post actually, but to recap: Professor Russ Tedrake’s goal is to construct a paper airplane that he can throw from MIT and have it land accurately in Harvard Square. His lab has already made a paper airplane that can repeatedly land on a perch, the way birds do, and he is fascinated by the way passive mechanisms allow us to move about. For example, this robot falls down a ramp in a walking motion (no power, no motors, no electricity!) showing how purely mechanical designs can be efficient and effective. So, we should really be taking more advantage of that in roboticsa principle he impresses on students every Tuesday and Thursday in 6.832: Underactuated Robotics. Help I’m surrounded by grad students :O one of them actually works in the lab where I’m doing my thesiswe’ll get to that later! 21W.755 This past weekend, my homework assignment was to eavesdrop (or “carefully overhearâ€) some strangers’ conversation. On getting into an uber, I took detailed notes on a completely random person’s dramatic conversation about when she would turn 21 and be able to purchase alcohol, whilst complaining about a group of people that ruined the party they were coming from. I hoped they couldn’t see me typing all this into my phone. 21W.755: Reading and Writing Short Stories is an incredibly difficult class to get into. I almost didn’t, actually, but I suppose crossing my fingers and praying that seniority would work in my advantage helped. I also desperately needed to fulfill my HASS-Arts requirement (we’re required to take at least one each of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities designated courses) and so I’m glad that I’m in this class, both because I really wanted to take it and also because I need to graduate.^^; So why was I told to listen to a stranger’s conversation? Our professor, Shariann Lewitt, tells us to pay more attention to the world around us. Each class it’s something differenta smell, a sound, a texture or tactile feeling. This reminds me of something David Foster Wallace wrote, which I can’t for the life of me remember the title of the book or text, but he says essentially that writers are just incredibly thirsty observers (I believe his word was “nosyâ€), living for witnessing others’ moments. I hope I will become a better writer, and a better observer. I have quickly learned why the class was so full the first dayI’ve learned so much already. 21G.038 21G.038: China in the News: The Untold Stories was also slightly oversubscribed the first day, but I luckily got to whip out my Chinese minor privileges to stay in the course. I actually wasn’t sure what to expect for this class until the first day, but as it turns out, the course focuses on the politics of framing. This means, the politics of how the frame of some image (or writing, or film, etc.) is chosen. A frame is a “single storyâ€, a single perspective on an issue. For China, the frame is often about communism and censorship and a generally negative filter, so it makes for a particularly good case study. We also discuss China-U.S. relations, and China’s own internal dialogues on various issues. I’m quite glad I chose to take this course, and I’m excited to learn more about the very modern Chinamy mother, having left in the ‘80s, is a bit more removed from the most recent developments. 2.THU This is the first year I’m taking only one technical course and two humanities courses. That’s because 2.THU is not really a classit’s my thesis!!!!!!!!! This means I don’t have classes or anything usual for this ‘course’. Instead, I’m continuing my research in Professor Alberto Rodriguez’s lab this semester, the Manipulation and Mechanisms Laboratory at MIT, fondly nicknamed the MCube lab. I love working here, and I’ve been surprised how much my past experience as a UROP on the DCP team at the Media Lab has really helped (those two years paid off!!) Now that I’m a senior and a lot more experienced, I’ve been able to really be a part of the lab. I attend meetings and reading group (where we read journal papers covering related research) and I’m around enough that I can actually get to know everyone, which I’ve really enjoyed. I was even convinced to take 6.832 by another person in my lab, and we’re now in a study group together. I feel like I’ve been able to get a good taste of graduate school this way, which was my whole intent behind thesis-ing (as a 2A major, I’m not actually required to do one). ??????? So I’ve mostly been asked the question what are you doing in a different context lately: “what are you doing after graduation?†Let’s list the stressful questions college students face from beginning to end, why don’t we: Have you thought about where you’ll apply this year? So, where are you going to college? What are you going to major in? What are you doing this summer? What are you doing after graduation? I wasn’t stressed out about the first two, because my eyes were always set on MIT and I was fortunate enough to apply and get in early action. I was also pretty certain about my major when I enteredI was deciding between Course 6 and Course 2, mainly trying to decide which one was best for robotics, and then I picked 2A-Robotics (lol). Sophomore year I was a lil stressed about #4 because I thought I needed an internship, but I’m really glad, actually, that I didn’t get an internship that year. Instead, I traveled between 3 continents and 6 citiesa summer program in China in June, UROPing in Boston with a surprise stint at some Google warehouses for two weeks (wherein I drove a Toyota Forerunner in San Francisco and it was awful), and finishing up the Muti Water Project in Ethiopia in August. But #5 has been giving me nightmaresor it would, if I could manage to sleep at night. To clarify, I have some options now so I feel a lot better, but at least initially, it was really scary to hit senior spring and think about not having a job after graduation. I really should have been less freaked out, because I am fortunate in that after graduation I could always go home, spend time with the fam, and keep searching, or even do something random and apply to graduate school next fall if it came to that. But since I did not apply to grad school this fall (I want to work first) I was left with a feeling of real panic and (somewhat irrationally) fearing that I would be starving in June. The answer to that question is still basically: I don’t know yet, ask me in a few months. Infinite Jest Chris and I and a few other students have been doing “Infinite Springâ€, where we schedule reading sections of David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest with the goal of simply reading and finishing it. We also hold book-club-type meetings every Tuesday where people can get together and discuss if they want. This type of schedule is nice because for most people, including me, the deterrent to reading and especially finishing Infinite Jest is in large part because it is simply enormous (it’s 1000+ pages). I’ve enjoyed it so far, though I should say it is very strange and confusing in many places, and slightly surreal. But I enjoy having something to read after a long day (well I didn’t in like the first 60 pages, but it got more coherent and I do now!) I especially like how the book reflects some of my own feelings back to meas all books do, ultimately, but this one, partly about a high-pressure school, seems particularly apt. Its pictured next to another thing that I enjoyI got this leather travelers notebook with my initials stamped on it from Etsy :3 Running around campus/Boston Here are some pictures, just because: did u kno they have korean skincare products at some CVSs now :O (blogging about how I’ve gotten into skin care is on my to do list lol) In building 14N, there’s a bunch of posters everywhere, lining the stairwells, the elevator, some parts of hallways. They are particularly aesthetically pleasing and/or funny here, as 14N houses the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Did you know that in Walker Memorial (a building where we all take our exams) there is a bar? It is called the Muddy Charles Pub, and I had to look that up because everyone calls it just “the Muddy†and I actually forgot the real name lol. Anyway, instead of a normal wedge door stop, they prop their door open with a really old laptop and I think that’s hilarious. Also, as its open to the whole (of age) MIT community, this is not a good place to complain about professors or TAs, as my friend helpfully pointed out. My significant other and I went to see the Takashi Murakami exhibit at the MFA one of the Sundays of IAP. I enjoyed these colorful flowers~ Post Tagged #6.832 #photography
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Ceramic Wars Japan Kidnaps Korean Artisans
In the 1590s, Japan’s re-unifier, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, had an idee fixe. He was determined to conquer Korea, and then continue on to China and perhaps even India. Between 1592 and 1598, Hideyoshi launched two major invasions of the Korean Peninsula, known together as the Imjin War. Although Korea was able to fend off both attacks, thanks in part to the heroic Admiral Yi Sun-shin and his victory in the Battle of Hansan-do, Japan did not come away from the invasions empty-handed. As they retreated for the second time, after the 1594-96 invasion, the Japanese captured and enslaved tens of thousands of Korean farmers and artisans, and took them back to Japan. Japanese Invasions of Korea Hideyoshi’s reign signaled the end of the Sengoku (or â€Å"Warring States Period†) in Japan - more than 100 years of vicious civil war. The country was filled with samurai who knew nothing but war, and Hideyoshi needed an outlet for their violence. He also sought to glorify his own name through conquest. The Japanese ruler turned his attention to Joseon Korea, a tributary state of Ming China, and a convenient ladder into the Asian mainland from Japan. Even as Japan had engaged in unending conflict, Korea had been slumbering through centuries of peace, so Hideyoshi was confident that his gun-wielding samurai would quickly overrun the Joseon lands. The initial April 1592 invasion went smoothly, and Japanese forces were in Pyongyang by July. However, the over-extended Japanese supply lines started to take their toll, and soon Korea’s navy made life very difficult for Japan’s supply ships. The war bogged down, and the next year Hideyoshi ordered a retreat. Despite this set-back, the Japanese leader was not ready to give up his dream of a mainland empire. In 1594, he sent a second invasion force to the Korean Peninsula. Better prepared, and with aid from their Ming Chinese allies, the Koreans were able to pin down the Japanese almost immediately. The Japanese blitz turned in to a grinding, village-to-village fight, with the tides of battle favoring first one side, then the other. It must have been evident fairly early in the campaign that Japan was not going to conquer Korea. Rather than have all of that effort wasted, therefore, the Japanese began to capture and enslave Koreans who might be useful to Japan. Enslaving the Koreans A Japanese priest who served as a medic in the invasion recorded this memory of slave raids in Korea: Among the many kinds of merchants who have come over from Japan are traders in human beings, who follow in the train of the troops and buy up men and women, young and old alike. Having tied these people together with ropes about the neck, they drive them along before them; those how can no longer walk are made to run with prods or blows of the stick from behind. The sight of the fiends and man-devouring demons who torment sinners in hell must be like this, I thought. Estimates of the total number of Korean slaves taken back to Japan range from 50,000 to 200,000. Most were likely just farmers or laborers, but Confucian scholars and artisans such as potters and blacksmiths were particularly prized. In fact, a great Neo-Confucian movement sprang up in Tokugawa Japan (1602-1868), due in large part to the work of captured Korean scholars. The most visible influence these slaves had in Japan, however, was on Japanese ceramic styles. Between the examples of looted ceramics taken from Korea, and skilled potters brought back to Japan, Korean styles and techniques had an important impact on Japanese pottery. Yi Sam-pyeong and Arita Ware One of the great Korean ceramic artisans kidnapped by Hideyoshis army was Yi Sam-pyeong (1579-1655). Along with his entire extended family, Yi was taken to the city of Arita, in Saga Prefecture on the southern island of Kyushu. Yi explored the area and discovered deposits of kaolin, a light, pure white clay, which allowed him to introduce porcelain manufacturer to Japan. Soon, Arita became the center of porcelain production in Japan. It specialized in pieces made with overglazing in imitation of Chinese blue and white porcelains; these goods were popular imports in Europe. Yi Sam-pyeong lived out the remainder of his life in Japan and took the Japanese name Kanagae Sanbee. Satsuma Ware The daimyo of Satsuma domain on the southern end of Kyushu Island also wanted to create a porcelain industry, so he kidnapped Korean potters and brought them back to his capital as well. They developed a porcelain style called Satsuma ware, which is decorated with ivory crackle glaze painted over with colorful scenes and gold trim. Like Arita ware, Satsuma ware was produced for the export market. Dutch traders at Dejima Island, Nagasaki were the conduit for Japanese porcelain imports into Europe. The Ri Brothers and Hagi Ware Not wanting to be left out, the daimyo of Yamaguchi Prefecture, on the southern tip of the main island of Honshu also captured Korean ceramic artists for his domain. His most famous captives were two brothers, Ri Kei and Ri Shakko, who began firing a new style called Hagi ware in 1604. Unlike the export-driven pottery works of Kyushu, the Ri brothers kilns turned out pieces for use in Japan. Hagi ware is stoneware with a milky white glaze, which sometimes includes an etched or incised design. In particular, tea sets made of Hagi ware are especially prized. Today, Hagi ware is second only to Raku in the world of Japanese tea ceremony sets. The descendants of the Ri brothers, who changed their family name to Saka, are still making pottery in Hagi. Other Korean-made Japanese Pottery Styles Among the other Japanese pottery styles that were created or greatly influenced by enslaved Korean potters are the sturdy, simple Karatsu ware; Korean potter Sonkais light Agano teaware; and Pal Sans richly glazed Takatori ware. Artistic Legacy of a Brutal War The Imjin War was one of the most brutal in early modern Asian history. When Japans soldiers realized that they would not win the war, they engaged in atrocities such as cutting off the noses of every Korean person in some villages; the noses were turned in to their commanders as trophies. They also looted or destroyed priceless works of art and scholarship. Out of the horror and suffering, however, some good also appeared (at least, for Japan). Although it must have been heart-breaking for the Korean artisans who were kidnapped and enslaved, Japan used their skills and technical knowledge to produce amazing advances in silk making, in ironwork, and especially in pottery.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Aristotles Legacy Essay - 1151 Words
Extraordinary achievements have been made through ancient civilizations. Philosophers that have changed the way we look at things every day came from the ancient Greek world, especially during the prosperous Golden Age of Athens, Greece. Aristotle, a famous philosopher, taught his philosophy during this period of time in Greece. Using his intellect and astounding ideas, Aristotle created a legacy that influenced people for ages. To start off, Aristotle was a widely known philosopher in the Ancient Greek world born in Macedonia in the year 384 B.C. Not only did he take part in philosophy, but he also contributed poetics, political science, and biology. All of these subjects were taught at his school, the Peripatetic School of†¦show more content†¦Here he met a group of Platonists where he continued to learn about Plato’s philosophy. After staying in Assos for three years, he moved to the island of Lesbos in Mytilene until 344 B.C. It was in this same year that the Mace donian King Philip asked Aristotle to tutor his 13-year-old son Alexandros III later to be known as Alexander the Great. From the lessons he taught Alexander, he found he had some disagreements with Plato which he used to make up his own philosophy. Disagreements Aristotle had with Plato included his, previously mentioned, â€Å"ideal world of eternal beings†. Back when Plato was still alive and teaching Aristotle, this foreign utopia seemed reasonable, but over the years Aristotle began to think that true reality lay in the real, tangible world, not in a world that nobody can see. This concept began the philosophy of Aristotelianism. To teach his new philosophy, Aristotle established a teaching facility. He moved back to Athens, Greece to find a location for his school. It was finally decided to be located in a sacred garden for the Greek god Apollo, the Lyceum. â€Å"At the Lyceum, Aristotle collected a substantial library of scrolls, founded a museum of natural history, and shared his thinking with his students†(Cook OL). To teach his students, Aristotle wouldn’t stay in a closed space. He would rather go outside and show his students theShow MoreRelatedPlato And Aristotle Disagree About Virtue. Plato And Aristotle1403 Words  | 6 Pagesideas about the nature of virtue, which people have virtue when they are born and people can develop virtue when they believe in god. Then, I will follow a discussion of Aristotle’s ideas that virtue can be learned by ourselves. Finally, I will conclude by comparing the two different ideas virtue’s nature. To sum up, Plato and Aristotle’s ideas about virtue disagree. The first philosopher that I will discuss is Plato. Plato is very interesting to study because most of Plato’s ideas are written likeRead MoreHistorical Events That Took Place During The Classical Period1458 Words  | 6 Pagesbook titled Nicomachean Ethics contains his views on the ethics of mankind and how they can be applied on a daily basis. This essay will look critically at how the historical events that took place during the Classical Period may have influenced Aristotle’s work. Aristotle was born in Stagira, located in northern Greece, in 384 BCE. He later moved to Athens in 367 BCE, which was widely recognized as both the intellectual and cultural center of ancient Greece. He exhausted close to twenty years ofRead More Physics of Aristotle Essay1394 Words  | 6 Pageshelped to form the basis of the midieval christian perspective of the natural world. Much of his physics, when combined with Ptolemys mathematical model of planetary motions, was used by midieval thinkers to describe the behavior of the cosmos. Aristotles book The Physics, was in existence by about 350 B.C. This book is mainly concerned with change and how change exists in all of its various forms, such as local motion and the different types of changes involved in processes such as burning, growingRead MoreSocrates s Views On Philosophy1108 Words  | 5 Pageswith no tuition that is called an academy. Plato wrote works of Socrates. Plato knows different types of Dialogues. The Republic displayed politics, and social harmony over individual liberty. Plato dedicated his life to transmitting his teacher’s legacy through the writing of dialogue on philosophical subjects, in which Socrates himself plays the major role. The longest and most famous of these, known as the Republic, describes an idealized polis governed by a superior group of individuals chosenRead MoreThe Main Controversies of Medieval Thought in the 12th and 13th Centuries1050 Words  | 5 Pagespossible remained to be seen. Possibly the single-most important event of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries for medieval thinkers was the introduction of new translations of Aristotles works. The new translations were the products of work done by Arabic scholars. Up to that point Christendom knew only of Aristotles Logic. It had been widely accepted and was widely respected which meant the new works held great weight. The new translations provided a coherent view of the world that now challengedRead MoreFences Play According to Aristotle1540 Words  | 7 PagesUsing Aristotle’s descriptions of Tragedy, I classify Fences by August Wilson as a tragic play. The elements of tragedy, Troy Maxson as a tragic hero, and tragic plot were evident throughout the play. Also, the feeling of catharsis at the end-which is proper of tragedy, was clearly identifiable. I. Fences fits into the tragic genre based on the points given by Aristotle. In Poetics, he defines tragedy as the imitation of an action that is serious and also as having magnitude, complete in itselfRead MoreAristotles Balance of Eudaimonia880 Words  | 4 PagesAristotle’s balance of Eudaimonia Aristotle, the son of Nicomachus(Aristotle), known as ‘the philosopher, was born in 384 B.C.E, in a small city named Stagira in northern Greece. During his lifetime, he studied variety of subjects and brought knowledge to all aspects (Blackburn). He viewed that as a human, a subject who’s determined goal is to reach virtue and Arà ªte, is connected with nature and its balance (Golden Mean). Aristotle also viewed a good life as political questions. He analyzed thatRead MoreThe Development of Ancient Greece through Philosophic Evolution732 Words  | 3 Pagescarried the legacy of Plato’s analysis in dialectics, ethics, and physics. Furthermore, Plato is responsible for writing many dialogues that commonly held Socrates as the main character. Probably, the most notable of his works, however, was the Republic, which involved in-depth analysis of a utopia society ruled by philosopher-kings. This work not only helped shape the political considerations in the Gre cian city-states but is still used for referential purposes in modern times. Plato’s legacy offeredRead MoreAristotle Platos Differences in Art and its Culture1023 Words  | 4 Pagesamongst all these, it came from the same agreement in its form of mimesis, in other words, imitation. We will be looking into the context of how over the years brilliant people have created, contributed and transformed their intelligence, leaving legacies behind, and affecting the society today. In a fast paced world where everything is so advanced, interpretations have also turned its course from the very basics of where it all began or probably just seeing how the past have been of influence toRead MoreThe Philosopher Who Was An Ancient Greek Philosopher Essay1553 Words  | 7 Pagesbelieve that Plato was named by his grandfather whose name was Aristotle’s who essentially helped Plato with his traditional name. Plato was also claimed to be the oldest son in his family. Many historians say also that Plato was his nickname and that it referred to be because of his broad physical physique. Although, there is not much evidence of that they say that because of these young boys gave him the name Plato before Aristotle’s was even born. Plato was also assumed to be taught by some of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Examine how and why McDonald’s recently decided to rebrand itself in the UK Free Essays
Introduction This paper will critically examine the key factors behind the recent McDonald’s rebranding campaign in the UK. The main objectives of this research will be to explore why and how did McDonald’s rebrand itself in the UK. This research will also provide an in-depth analysis of the benefits of McDonald’s business model, as well as the significant problems that have been faced, and have generated criticism towards McDonald’s, its product, and its quality of service. We will write a custom essay sample on Examine how and why McDonald’s recently decided to rebrand itself in the UK or any similar topic only for you Order Now McDonald’s Rebranding The fast food restaurant, McDonald’s, has been a significant influence and figure in American culture for decades, and continues to prosper in the USA and around the world. For Ritzer (2011), the McDonald’s brand has become a symbol of the Westernization process, which is driven by the general globalization. Through the company’s success, McDonald’s has developed a profitable business model that has widely adopted by a number of other successful companies around the world, such as IKEA, Pizza Hut, and Burger King (Ritzer, 2011). â€Å"McDonaldization†has become the term to identify organizational systems which look to control their consumers through the McDonald’s business model (Ritzer, 2011). McDonald’s business model has been so successfully in recent times that the company has consistently been ranked as one of the top â€Å"Best Global Brands†; and it can certainly be felt that almost every person around the world has hear d of McDonald’s (Ritzer, 2011). However, the company has recently received quite a large degree of negative criticism with regards to their employment conditions, the quality of their products and the negative effects of these products on people’s health (Ritzer, 2011). Consequently, this has led McDonald’s senior management to consider a rebrand to sustain their competitive advantage in the modern market. In terms of the poor employment conditions, the â€Å"McJob†scheme has lost its appeal to prospective employees because of the low salary and lack of further career opportunities or long-term development for McDonald’s staff (Klein, 1999). In fact, the majority of McDonald’s employees consider their job to be a hobby, although this has now changed in light of the recent economic downturn (Klein, 1999). This attitude suggests that the candidates who apply for employment with McDonald’s consider service industry roles as â€Å"temporary work†, and expect to change their roles in the near future. From the employer’s perspective, the ability to offer a low wage has always been seen as an effective way to cut down on operational costs (Klein, 1999). Recently however, McDonald’s has started to push an additional 50 000 new jobs as part of their new rebranding campaign (Talent Management, 2011). The company is trying to disrupt this associat ion between McJob and poorly paid, dead-end work by connecting both the HR and the Marketing sectors. The main message they are promoting suggests that more than 50% of franchise owners and 75% of restaurant managers started their career as waiters (Talent Management, 2011). Furthermore, the company has recently implemented a general budget planner for their employees which is based on the average salary of a McDonald’s waiter (Bloomberg, 2013). These figures suggest that this level of salary is enough to cover living costs (Bloomberg, 2013). However, this has also stirred much debate across social networks. Elsewhere, McDonald’s has targeted younger people, including students or young adults, as potential employees (Talent Management, 2011), Unfortunately this salary has been shown not to cover their basic living expenses, and nor does the role correspond to the â€Å"dream job†they were expecting (Klein, 1999). With regards to McDonald’s products and service quality, the company has built its success on a tasty product delivered at fast speed. This is significant as efficiency is one of the key dimensions underlying the brand (Ritzer, 2011). Even though the products are considered tasty and are widely enjoyed, the nutritional value and the general effect on the consumer’s health are questionable (Schlosser, 2004). The reputation of the â€Å"healthiness†of McDonald’s products has been widely examined, with documentaries such as â€Å"Super-Size Me†exposing the health risks of consuming McDonald’s products over time (Boniwell and Lucy, 2012). It was shown that are significant risks to major bodily organs that came as a result of this experiment (Boniwell and Lucy, 2012). This attitude aligns itself with the increasing interest in the growing level of obesity among adults and children around the world. Given the fact that one of the main reasons beh ind the obesity is excessive fast food intake, this negatively affects the brand image of McDonald’s (Boniwell and Lucy, 2012). As a result, the company has decided to integrate healthier fast food options within their menus. Jamie Oliver, one of the most popular TV chefs in the UK, has also criticized McDonald’s food. He condemned the company for the poor nutritional content in their products and the overall low quality of McDonald’s food (Marketing, 2012). However, once the company integrated health-related associations into it rebrand, Jamie Oliver actually praised the company (Marketing, 2012). Oliver started supporting McDonald’s after the company started using organic milk and free-range eggs in their menu (Marketing, 2012). Therefore it can be seen that criticism from key institutions and famous celebrities has driven McDonald’s to promote healthy food as part of the company rebrand. This can be seen as McDonald’s has started to provide nutritional information for its products in the restaurant menus. The products have also been redesigned with a view of decreasing the number of calories in them; for example, it is estimated that the calorie content in some McDonald’s meals has decreased by as much as 20%. Despite this, there remain products which are high in calories, such as the popular Big Mac, which still has 490 calories a serving (Daily Mail, 2011). A significant part of this rebrand aims to distance McDonald’s from the image of a â€Å"fast food cafe†, which considers speed as their priority. This implies that the company is trying to change its brand image to be seen as an â€Å"upscale restaurant†, thereby delivering better quality service and products (Humans Invent, 2012). This can be seen in the redecoration of the restaurants’ interior to be more â€Å"restaurant-like†in their design. These actions suggest that the company is attempting to distance itself from the primary factors that, in the beginning, actually have contributed to the widespread development of McDonald’s brand image: efficiency, calculability and speed. However, some sources argue that it would be quite difficult for the company to change the target market from being consumer’s expecting quick service and standard McDonald’s food meal to ones expecting a nice and pleasurable experience (Humans Inve nt, 2012). Elsewhere, McDonald’s rebrand aims to target families with children that visit the restaurants for lunch or for dinner. This implies that McDonald’s typical customers, namely teenagers and children, has contributed to decrease the value of the brand image (Humans Invent, 2012). Consequently, the majority of McDonald’s restaurants in the UK have been redesigned to look like a contemporary family restaurant (Humans Invent, 2012). This implies that the whole seating arrangement and interior design has been changed to suit the family needs. Despite this, the food quality is still not considered to be for everyone; therefore it is questionable whether the redesign and changes in the menus will attract the correct consumer. A similar rebranding campaign was integrated by the superstore Wal-Mart, where the management tried to integrate celebrity endorsement to change brand image (Frying Pan News, 2011). However, given Wal-Mart’s brand reputation and history, this campaign was widely considered to be a failure. Therefore, the question still remains whether the current rebranding strategy will work for McDonald’s as the company is trying to completely change a brand strategy that has been hugely successful for 50 years (Elliott, 2011). McDonald’s had already tried to integrate new products in the past, such as offering Deluxe Line Burgers, but these strategies have failed (Elliott, 2011). This suggests that McDonald’s targeted children as well as families, anticipating that parents would come to McDonald’s to please their children. Therefore the needs of a target market did not correspond with the positioning of a new â€Å"Deluxe†product which led to the failure of the line (Elliott, 2011). Currently, McDonald’s is attempting to change the product, promotion, positioning, and physical evidence of its brand in line with the new target market. However, despite all of these changes, there is still a chance that this will not be successful. Conclusion The aim of this essay was to explore the key reasons behind the new McDonald’s rebranding strategy. It can be seen that the company has decided to move away from the old rebranding strategy which has been successful for the last 50 years. McDonald’s has started to integrate changes into every aspect of its marketing mix. This rebranding has altered the nature of McJob, the health value of the product and the quality of the service. The new rebrand strategy has also introduced new targeting and positioning strategies, as well as affecting the promotion, physical product and people aspects of the McDonald’s brand. Despite the efforts of the new rebranding strategy, the levels of success remain questionable and it could be considered that rebranding may actually decrease the value of McDonald’s brand in the context of its association with American and pop culture. Likewise, it may fail to attract the new target market which could result in additional costs fo r the company. References: Bloomberg (2013) McDonald’s Employee Budget Planner Assumes 2 Jobs at $13 an Hour. Available: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-07-15/mcdonald-s-employee-budget-planner-assumes-2-jobs-at-13-an-hour.html (Accessed on 14/11/2013). Boniwell, I., Lucy, R. (2012) Personal Well-Being Lessons For Secondary Schools: Positive Psychology In Action for 11 to 14 years old, McGraw-Hill: UK. Daily Mail (2011) It’s a (salty, fatty, saucy) McWrap! 600-calorie breakfast is worse than Big Mac, Available: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2054942/McDonald’s-McWrap-600-calorie-breakfast-worse-Big-Mac.html (Accessed on 14/11/2013). Elliott, C. (2011) â€Å"It’s junk food and chicken nuggets: Children’s perspectives on ‘kids’ food’ and the question of food classification†, in Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 10 (13): 133-40. Frying Pan News (2013) Walmart Celebrities: Which Side Are You OnAvailable: http://fryingpannews.org/2013/07/30/walmart-celebrities-which-side-are-you-on/ (Accessed on 14/11/2013). Humans Invent (2012) McDonald’s gets a face-lift. Available: http://www.humansinvent.com/#!/4429/McDonald’s-gets-a-face-lift/ (Accessed on 14/11/2013). Klein, N. (1999) No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies, Knopf Canada: Canada. Marketing (2012) Jamie Oliver praises McDonald’s healthy eating agenda. Available: http://www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/article/1142906/jamie-oliver-praises-McDonald’s-healthy-eating-agenda (Accessed on 14/11/2013). Ritzer, G. (2011) The McDonaldization of Society 6, Pine Forge Press: USA. Schlosser, E. (2004) Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal, Allen Lane The Penguin Press: UK. Talent Management (2011) McDonald’s Aims to Rebrand the ‘McJob’. Available: http://talentmgt.com/articles/view/McDonald’s-aims-to-rebrand-the-mcjob/1 (Accessed on 14/11/2013). How to cite Examine how and why McDonald’s recently decided to rebrand itself in the UK, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Operation Gomorrah Essay Essay Example
Operation Gomorrah Essay Paper â€Å"Operation Gomorrah†Ingram recalls her childhood experiences of war within her place metropolis of Hamburg. Germany. The composing techniques and elaborate descriptions within the autobiographical narrative reflect Ingram’s sensitive nature and the emotional nexus she has to her childhood because of this traumatic event. â€Å"I was eight old ages old and a respectful. obedient kid. But one twenty-four hours in late July my female parent asked me to make something and I disobeyed her. and I shall be everlastingly glad that I did. †( Marione Ingram 123 ) Normally a male child who is merely 8 old ages old should be blue and arch. However. at the beginning of the narrative. the writer tells us that he was thought to be a respectful. obedient kid by others. The secret plan that Ingram does non desire to direct his babe sister Renate to his cousin’s flat ( 123 ) indicate that Ingram has his ain ideas. has his likes and disfavors. But he is so sensitive that he cares excessively much about what others think. He loves his female parent. he does non willing to allow her down. So. although he does non desire to travel outside from within. he tried ( 123 ) . We can conceive of that how much joy and pleasance of childhood he has lost to coerce himself to populate up to this repute to be respectfu l and obedient. We will write a custom essay sample on Operation Gomorrah Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Operation Gomorrah Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Operation Gomorrah Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This is excessively barbarous to this small male child. But he was thrilled to be out-of-doorss ( 123 ) . At that minute. there must hold been an intense internal struggle in his bosom. On the one manus. he does non willing to destruct his repute to be obedient every bit good as allow his female parent down. but on the other manus. he can non pull off to get the better of his internal frights. After a battle. he turned back and so began to travel rapidly to place ( 123 ) . When he thought back to the whole narrative. he found that if he had followed his mother’s way to transport his babe sister to his cousin’s flat and he himself stayed at that place. he would non hold experienced the great catastrophe: the Operation Gomorrah. For the obedient kid. he regrets for his whole life for that lone one resist. His sensitive makes him a individual who ever thinks excessively much. That he ever considers the feelings of others. repent the yesteryear and be worried about the here after makes him a shilly-shally and inner-turmoiled individual. Ingram provinces â€Å"I pulled mother off from the range. tugging first one hitch arm and so the other. I managed to acquire her caput and a shoulder into the dining room†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 124 ) â€Å"I was sitting on the floor with her caput in my lap. seeking to believe what to make. when coming from the underside of the stairwell where I’d left the baby buggy I could hear the swoon sounds of my babe sister’s whimpering†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 124 ) â€Å"There were no air raids to upset us. though I woke up frequently to see if she was still unconscious†¦ †( 125 ) . When his female parent was ill. the 8-year-old lithe male child took the duty of taking attention of his female parent and his babe sister. His behaviour described in this portion gave me the feeling of unreal. He took attention of his female parent and babe sister so carefully that he can even hear the swoon sounds of his babe sister’s wailing from the underside of the stairwell. He was worr ied about his female parent and babe sister and tomorrow’s life. so he woke up frequently during that dark. It is wholly non like a small boy’s behaviour. All of these secret plans indicate that Ingram has elusive nervousnesss. He is sensitive to environment. â€Å"I looked at female parent and I understood†( Marione Ingram 125 ) . What did this small boy understand from two adults’ conversation? At first reading I do non understand what he got. But so I understood that Inge was loath to assist them during that despairing state of affairs. From Inge’s talk. emotion and action. he and his female parent understood the cardinal point. He is so smart and sensitive to things. His sensitiveness inspires his thought. He is good at observation and analysis. I have to look up to the small boy’s apprehension. But the small male child did non demo any unhappiness or lose his pique about his cousin’s attitude. He was so quiet merely maintain his idea in his head. As for the catastrophe. Marion Ingram used abundant item description to demo the pandemonium scene. He describes his former playfellow like this â€Å"She was keeping her favourite doll. keeping it tight and turning somewhat off as if she feared I might seek to snap it from her†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 127 ) . The description showed a girl’s behaviour in despairing state of affairs vividly. There are besides many environmental descriptions during the bombardment. â€Å"A false morning lit the southeasterly sky. rouging mother’s cheeks and painting the walls of edifices on our side of the street a lurid red†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 128 ) . At one point between life and decease. Ingram still have one portion of his bosom refering his mothers’ emotion and retrieve everlastingly. When he was in his mother’s arm. he was detecting how other people seeking to last. â€Å"Then a adult female transporting an baby came running down the street along the same path we had taken. She was followed by a immature adult male dressed in the khaki trunkss and shirt of a Hitler Youth. I thought they must be fliting from a bomb shelter that had been damaged. perchance the 1 female parent had been heading for when we foremost left our flat building†¦ †( 131 ) . There are abundant psychological and action descriptions. â€Å"I thought they must be fliting from a bomb shelter that had been damaged†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 131 ) . â€Å"I thought his trouble might be the hot air current howling down the avenue in forepart of us and about expected to see him lifted up as he ran†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 131 ) . â€Å"I idea I could hear their shrieks and ducked down into the crater with my eyes closed and my custodies oter my ears. †( 131 ) . â€Å"When it seemed that I was approximately to smother. I pulled the cover off and stuck up my head†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 131-132 ) . â€Å"When I closed my eyes it felt as if we were lying between railway paths while an eternal tra in rumbled over us so swiftly†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 132 ) . All these descriptions are so all right. specific and smooth that about give us a film image. Sensitive and delicate as he is. he is able to retrieve every individual item. every alteration in emotion. every piece of his idea. In decision. Marione Ingram concludes abundant item descriptions in this essay that even gave readers the feeling that this narrative is non his ain narrative. In this manner. the writer shaped a sensitive character from different point of position. And because of his sensitive nature. he is besides a shilly-shally individual who ever suffers intense interior battle. he is a good mind and perceiver which made him a good author. he is a really sort individual who would see for others at every proceedingss.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Nephrotic syndrome is presented Essays
Nephrotic syndrome is presented Essays Nephrotic syndrome is presented Essay Nephrotic syndrome is presented Essay In this presentation, pathological history of the job topic with Nephrotic syndrome is presented. The attack with regard to the aetiology, diagnosing, intervention and bar of the disease is elaborated. The issues discussed there would be: Using the patient s clinical diagnostic findings as the grounds of the implicit in cause of the disease. Measuring the logical thinking for the upset of the operation. Management of the disease. ( reference side-effects if any and the costs ) Nephrotic syndrome ( NS ) is a aggregation of symptoms as a effect of damaged kidneys.Based upon the clinical, research lab and histological characteristics, the nephrotic syndrome is classified as ague or chronic and Idiopathic/primary nephrotic syndrome-with glomerular disease intrinsic to the kidney or Secondary nephrotic syndrome- associated with assorted extrinsic causes. ( Lane.C.J, Nephrotic syncrome ( 2009 ) eMedicine ; National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases ) . In grownups the primary causes responsible for nephrotic syndrome are membranous glomerulonephritis and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.While the secondary NS occurs as manifestations of systemic diseases such as dibetes mellitus, lupus erythematosus, reaping hook cell anaemia, minimal-change disease, HIV, hepatitis B or C, usage of nonstreroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or multiple myeloma. ( Laurie Barclay, Medscape Medical News ©2009Medscape, LLC ) . The clinical characteristics of NS are albuminurias, hypoalbuminemia ( A ; lt ; 2.5g/dL ) , hypercholesteremia, hydrops and hypercoagulability. ( Szu-Chia Chen, et al 2010 ; Mian N. A. Nephrotic syndrome ( 2009 ) Pediatric clinical advisor-Instant Diagnosis and Treatment,2nd edition, Elsevier Inc, Pages 393-395 ) . Regardless of whether the etiology is a primary glomerular disease or a systemic upset, the escape of albumen in the urine reflects a breach of the permselectivity barrier in the kidney and dysregulation of plasma ultrafiltration. ( Ernie L. ( 2009 ) Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome, Genetic Diseases of the Kidney, Elsevier Inc. ) Proteinuria is caused due to the changes in the selective permeableness of glomerular capillary wall, resulted by the underlying glomerular disease ( Donald.E et al ( 2003 ) Nephrology secrets,2nd edition. Hanley and Belfus: USA. Page-64 ) The proteins more likely to be present in piss are albumin and globulin. However, albumin being the smaller si zed protein, its tends to leak out through little pores in the podocytes easy. But these pores are non so big to let cells through ( hence no haematuria ) . Due to which the patient may endure from hydropsy, as albumin maps in retaining the fluid in the blood by soaking up fluids from organic structure tissues. Some patients show no symptoms of nephrotic syndrome until albuminuria is dignosed. However, in instance of hydrops, the organic structure tends to demo outstanding puffinesss, most normally arround mortise joints and pess, due to the high intravascular hrydrostatic force per unit area. Although hypoalbuminemia is the chief feature of nephrotic syndrome ( NS ) , there are many patients with high albuminurias that do non develop hypoalbuminemia ( Praga M et Al ( 1991 ) Nephrotic albuminuria without hypoalbuminemia: clinical features and response to angiotensin-converting enzyme suppression, Am J Kidney Dis, Spain 17 ( 3 ) :330-8. ) While hypercholesteremia is due to alter in t he balance of assorted protein degrees in blood due to protein escape. The symptoms of Nephrotic syndrome involve swelling in the tissues around the eyes or in the pess or mortise joints, high degrees of lipoids, high blood force per unit area and susceptibleness to infections. The albumen count in blood falls below the normal scope ( 35g/L-50g/L ) while the urine albumen count raises from the normal rate ( A ; lt ; 150mg/L ) , largely greater than 3.5g/d. ( Medical Education Institute.Inc, Madison ( 2010 ) ) Case survey Brian is 52year old and a instructor by profession, had been unwell for several months.He complained of being highly fatigued, he frequently woke up at dark to urinate and had swollen ankles.On proving blood and urine samples, the GP revealed that Brian sufferd from nephrotic syndrome.This was farther verified by a nephritic biopsy. The studies from the staining processs on the glomeruli stated thickener of the glomerular cellar walls ( fig 1 ) , sclerosed glomeruli and formation of spikes like construction along the cellar membrane ( fig 2 ) . The H A ; E discolorations and the Ag discoloration highlighted the basophilic-eosinophilic constructions and the proteinaceous glomerular cellar membranes in black severally. ( Hauber.P.H et al ( 2009 ) Pas staining of bronchoalveolar lavage cells for differential diagnosing of interstital lung disease, Diagnostic pathology,4:13 ) .
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Quotations to Inspire Teachers
Quotations to Inspire Teachers Inspired teachers are exceptional teachers, and they change lives. When you need a little inspiration, or if you know a teacher who does, an uplifting quotation can do the job. Make a poster for the teachers lounge, send a text or card, find one that speaks to you as a mantra, be creative. Quotes for Teachers These will get you started: The job of an educator is to teach students to see the vitality in themselves.- Joseph CampbellI am not a teacher, but an awakener. - Robert FrostWhere there is an open mind there will always be a frontier. - Charles F. KetteringTeachers open the door. You enter by yourself. - Chinese ProverbAwaken peoples curiosity. It is enough to open minds, do not overload them. Put there just a spark.- Anatole FranceLife is amazing: and the teacher had better prepare himself to be a medium for that amazement.- Edward BlishenIt is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.- Albert EinsteinAn understanding heart is everything in a teacher, and cannot be esteemed highly enough. One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feeling. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.- Carl JungI cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think. - Socrates The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery. - Mark Van DorenAnyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.- Henry FordThe mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.- William Arthur WardWhat the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.- Soren KierkegaardGood teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers.- Josef Albers​We think of the effective teachers we have had over the years with a sense of recognition, but those who have touched our humanity we remember with a deep sense of gratitude. - Anonymous StudentWhatever you teach, be brief; what is quickly said the mind readily receives and faithfully retains, while everything superfluous runs over as from a full container. Who knows much says least.- Author UnknownBe not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yours elf as you wish to be.- Thomas A. Kempis Who dares to teach must never cease to learn.- John C. DanaIf a doctor, lawyer, or dentist had 40 people in his office at one time, all of whom had different needs, and some of whom didnt want to be there and were causing trouble, and the doctor, lawyer, or dentist, without assistance, had to treat them all with professional excellence for nine months, then he might have some conception of the classroom teachers job.- Donald D. QuinnTeachers who inspire know that teaching is like cultivating a garden, and those who would have nothing to do with thorns must never attempt to gather flowers.- Author UnknownTeachers who inspire realize there will always be rocks in the road ahead of us. They will be stumbling blocks or stepping stones; it all depends on how we use them.- Author UnknownOne must learn by doing the thing; for though you think you know it, you have no certainty, until you try.- SophoclesThe aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think- rathe r to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men.- Bill Beattie He who asks a question may be a fool for five minutes. But he who never asks a question remains a fool forever.- Tom J. Connelly
Monday, February 17, 2020
Apple Computer, Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Apple Computer, Inc - Essay Example One of the most widespread SCM definitions explains this kind of management as a crucial business process integration starting from commercial user and including all goods, services and information suppliers, who can add value for any customer or other person concerned. 2005 is going to be a big year for Apple. Soon, we're going to see updated iPods (probably with wifi), updated G5 (possibly with dual core processors and faster speeds), cheaper iMac G5s (where'd the computer go now), wireless media accessories for your home (AirportExpress on steroids) and the operating system that will be leaving most people asking the question - why Microsoft Windows - Apple's OS X 10.4 Tiger expected out next month. Apple is working with its supply chain to find alternatives that are environmentally friendly and provide functionality equal to that of conventional backlight lamps. So let's try to analyze Apple's predatory supply chain with an iPod example. Steve Jobs had made the smart moves, including the small footprint, the iTunes jukebox ease of use, pricing, and the ability to support music, pod casts, and digital photos. This was all before the launch of the new iPod, capable of storing 150 hours of video. But the smartest move was buying most of the world' s supply of flash memory.
Monday, February 3, 2020
MGT 501 Mgmt. and Org. Behavior Organizations as POLITICAL SYSTEMS - Essay
MGT 501 Mgmt. and Org. Behavior Organizations as POLITICAL SYSTEMS - systems of political activity, with patterns of competing interests, conflict and power - Essay Example how things have changed over the years and how an individual needs to act if he / she want to survive their job. Any kind of loose talk or gossip can prove to be very expensive for the individuals and hence a great deal of care needs to be taken. The two articles have in their own ways brought out the various points of how individuals can manage their position in the offices without getting into the bad books of either their colleagues or the bosses. The main difference of the two articles however is that Kennedy provides insights on how to effectively lead a team and more importantly how to manage teams in the current times. She explains how the leadership was different in earlier times and how people now prefer to be led than managed. This is clear from the statement in the article, ‘Old style management is out. Younger workers, especially, dont want to be managed. They want to follow someone who knows where he or she is going. They want to be taught, not directed. Labor shortages intensify when physician executives dont adapt their styles’ (Kennedy). Both the authors have presented very similar topics however have explained them in very different manners. Kennedy explains the politics and leadership in a manner which is more as a solution and advice to be good leaders in the current times, while Sun has given a clear cut explanation of the politics and ways to avoid them in a very diplomatic manner. This is clear from the statement made in the article, ‘Suppose your co-workers start complaining about the boss. If you join in, it makes you look disloyal to the boss’, he advices the individuals to reply as, ‘Come on, arent we exaggerating? [name of boss] really isnt THAT bad’ (Sun). Hence as seen it is clear that the two authors have in their own ways shown how to deal with politics in a company. Considering the topic of managing power in social relationships, it is important to note that this requires a high deal of
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Western Style Fast Food In China
Western Style Fast Food In China In this section, we first apply Five Forces model to investigate all kinds of competition facing western fast food industry in China which contains competition between western fast food enterprises and Chinese fast food enterprises. The markets of tableware and beverage are both competitive, and the purchasing rate of raw materials is relatively low compared with other materials, therefore these suppliers are poor at capability of pricing. As for other raw materials like chicken and potatoes and so on, since that the prices of agricultural products have been rising in recent years, suppliers of these materials gain more power on pricing. (2)Competitors: the other western fast food brands in China are McDonalds and so on. All these brands enjoy their own reputation, and are operated in chain. The food and service they offer are of high quality. Particularly, they all expect huge potentials in fast food industry in China, so they are willing to invest larger amount money opening more restaurants in China. Therefore the competition between them tends to be more intensive in the future. (3)Consumers: at present, if one Chinese consumer is willing to buy western fast food it means that he (or she) has already accepted the price. Generally, the bargaining power of one single consumer in western fast food industry is weak. But it does not hold for those group consumers. For now, most western fast food enterprises focus on discrete consumer, and if they want to occupy a fraction of group consumers market, They should also apply flexible pricing strategies and enhance their bargaining power with consumers. (4)Substitution: in recent years, more and more Chinese begin to pay attention on diet health, which promotes the development of Chinese fast food. The reasonable price and rich varieties of Chinese fast food has press the expansion of western fast food in China. (5)Potential entrants: relatively speaking, the entry barriers of western fast food are high. Because these western fast food requires large funds input, great brands reputation, economies of scale and so on. But we should also predict that with capability of investing strengthened and management improved for Chinese enterprises, they probably enter western fast food market and enjoy great success in it. Through Five Forces mode we can find that western fast food industry in China is still of great profitable potential, and the competition between western fast food enterprises and Chinese fast food enterprises will intensify, which implies that both of western fast food enterprises and Chinese fast food enterprises should cultivate their own competitiveness 4.2Brief introduction about KFC in China As one of the most popular western style fast food brands, KFC(Kentucky Fried Chicken) belongs to the worlds largest food group -Yum food group . This largest food group includes about 30,000 KFC Dining-room, pizza hut and TacoBell restaurants which are distributed in more than 100 countries and regions of the world. On November12, 1987, KFC entered into Beijing, which is the capital city of China. After that, more KFC chain restaurants have been established in more cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Xiamen etc. And even people who live in those small towns can also have the access to western style fast food. Until now, there are about two thousand one hundred KFC chain stores distributed around almost hour hundred and fifty cities except Tibet. KFC has been the largest fast food chain restaurant in China at the greatest speed of expansion(www.kfc.com.cn). 4.3 Core competitiveness of KFC in China During over twenty years development in China, KFC has been always and constantly integrated and taken advantage of limited resources and capability in China, and have gradually cultivated its unique abilities during the business operation, which are not easily imitated by its rivals but also could bring it extra profits. Abilities like that are named core competitiveness of KFC by our researchers. This kind of competitiveness can make one or several business operations are of first rate in the world or of greater advantages over its competitors(Aaker,1989). (1) Standardization of management. The research by KFC on their standardization management is amazing. In order to ensure that people around the whole world can enjoy the food of exactly same taste, KFC investigated in detail into every single processing program to obtain corresponding quantitative standard. There is no doubt that standardization is KFCs core knowledge competitive ability(Stephen,1992). (2). Localization. KFCs franchise mode is quite special, with unique Chinese characteristics. Its not starting from zero joining way is acceptable by those Chinese investors. In addition, KFC applied material resources integration into its management. From the very day when it entered into China, KFC has been determined to provide food which is right for Chinese taste. For now, KFC purchase the raw material fully from local providers. (3). Great brand power. These days, the internet is highly developed and information is commonly shared by people around the world, which makes it a good way to publicize KFCs brand more easily and efficiently. Based on parent companys terrific and strong brand reputation, KFC in China are as well known by almost each household, even for those who have not been to KFC. (4). Reasonable Location of restaurant. Same as McDonalds location, every time, KFC restaurants location is successful. No wonder that these two famous and popular western style fast food restaurants are usually located besides each other. 4.4 Competitive strategy of KFC in China Enterprises usually choose those strategies which can bring them competitive advantages. According to Potter theory(Porte,1997), ones competitive advantage is either from less cost than competitors or from obvious differentiations from its rivals. So competitive strategies include the following three types: cost leadership strategy, the differentiation strategy and centralization strategy. If enterprises through their innovative design, technical potential ability or outstanding brand image and so on seek to provide different products, unique services, this strategy is called differentiation strategy which is based on a broader market comparing with centralization strategy (Prahalad, Hamel,1990). Here, we highlight the differentiation strategy as it is the major and most important strategy not only for KFC but also for other successful western style fast food restaurants such as McDonalds. By its definition, it means that according to their own product positioning, one develops its o wn new products and establishes its competitive strategies in terms of supplier management strategy, brand strategy, talent strategy and so on. (1) Product strategy: product localization. On KFCs menu, there are some main varieties which not only in China, and even around the world are standardized and unified. But, in aspect of product innovation and uniqueness, KFC spares no effort to meet the different needs of customers in China. Since the mid 1990s, it was determined to build KFC as an influent brand which fulfills Chinese demands. To ensure the execution of this thinking and working direction, In 2000, KFC sincerely invited 40 national food nutrition experts to establish the Chinese KFC health consulting committee(www.kfc.com.cn). In 2004, due to KFC products innovation and localization strategy, it broke the boundaries between the western style fast food and traditional Chinese fast food, resulting in more new consumer market. At present, of more than 30 new products in Chinas regional market launched by KFC, at least half of them are of the Chinese characteristic. Some varieties even hit the consumer market since they learned from eight famous Chinese cuisines . For those products aiming at Chinese people , such as fresh vegetarian soup, cold rice, corn salad, old Beijing chicken and etc enjoy a wide popularity among people for its deep Chinese flavor. On summer of 2004, Guangdong province, the traditional old cool tea named WangLaoji, which is a traditional drink brand originated from Guangdong province, formally appeared on KFCs counter. This is the first time for KFC to introduce completely and directly traditional Chinese product into its food menu rather than indirectly improve these traditional food. Besides the deepening of localization strategies, KFC is now studying on consumers preferences within a region, in order to promote the regional localization strategy in the future. It has been over 20 years since KFC entered China. Now, KFC ranks first in fast food industry in China, largely owing to its localization strategy. In the Chinese market, KFC launches 1.5 new products per month averagely, and the turnover from KFC in China a lready is the powerful and main support for the headquarters profits. (2)Target strategies: focusing on families For fast food industry, the most commonly used method for target market positioning is to divide the consumer market based on demographic factors. Other factors such as region factors, customer psychological factors and customer consumption behavior factors are less taken into account(Emerson,1990). Of demographic factors, western fast food industry mainly considers age as market positioning variables. KFCs target markets are families, which mainly include consumption of young people and young parents with their children(Gould,2002). Dining environment aims at providing family reunion, warm dinner atmosphere. And because of its product diversification and the localization of taste, KFC managed to attract more people of all ages, particularly, with elders included. A few years ago, KFC launched the family meal, which is quite enough for a whole family to eat. In addition, being different from McDonalds publicity and dynamic advertising, or inviting stars to join the advertisement, the feature of the image of KFC is its simplicity and implicative style, the warmth and love. (3)Brand image strategy: localization With more attention is paid to brand image individuation by the enterprises, KFC in China have paid more attention to Chinese consumers psychology. Not only the information into life they would like to spread, but also the concept change for China to make a new fast food. In each brand image details, KFC is characterized by obvious Chinese culture features. KFC restaurants in China use a new mark and adornment concept. Not only a very smart appearance, all visual elements like dining-room design, advertising, food packaging, staff uniforms, public goods have been armed with new visual marks. Even the KFC grandpa also changed into traditional Chinese costumes on Chinese traditional festivals. By doing this, KFC publicized its brand and marketing. Since people like to focus on changes or fresh things, while invariable things easily cause visual fatigue, failing stimulating people sensory and becoming the focusing centre naturally. Hence, from the strategic height, KFC sent signals of c hanging to the media as well as consumers. KFC successfully made itself the social attention centre by gathering the public attentions, eventually smoothly spread its brand strategy and tactics to the public. SuJingShi, China regional President of Yum KFC once said: Since the entry into China in 1987, KFC has always been able to insist on the concept of Chinese brand building, and devote every effort to make it. Under this localization concept, the distance between KFC and Chinese customers is continuously getting closer. Building Chinese brand means putting Chinese flavour into its brand building. In this way, it will definitely leave a more obvious trace of localization. (4)Talent strategy: localization. KFCs talent localization, not only embodies in grass-roots employees, but more importantly, in the high-level management. From the first store in China until now, KFCs talent localization strategy have never been changed and even enhanced. KFC cultivate and promote and use local talents, giving full play to their comparative advantages due to their more familiarity with policy environment and local market features. At present, KFC has employed eight general managers from Mainland Chinas total managers who are responsible sixteen markets in China respectively. Those senior management personnel who are directly responsible for the operation of restaurant such as operation manager, regional manager and Hall manager are recruited locally. Those local management personnel can better understand the local demand, master the local consumer psychology and consumption habits, quickly discover local market growth point, more accurately grasp the market pulse and timely make strategic adjustment (Caudron,1991), which helps KFC to win out competing against others. In order to better implement talent localization strategy, KFC creatively put forward the framework with great Chinese characteristics of double departments: the operation department, HR and training department. This framework has a nickname two HR departments. ChenYaqing, the operating training senior manager of Yum China introduced: the case that a special independent department is established from human resource training operations department is not common in the world. The importance of the Chinese market determines the necessity to do so. We can see from this the great determination of talent strategy of KFC. (5)Supplier management strategy: humanization KFCs raw materials are all provided by local enterprises, so KFCs rapid development also stimulates the development of various related raw material supply industries in China. Currently, about 95% of food and packing materials are provided by suppliers in China. Based on principle of common interests, KFC introduces local suppliers brand new management concepts and advanced technologies, and offers them active training programs and generous help especially for those suppliers who are sometimes in difficulty. Through this, KFC has formed strategic partners with local suppliers in China. Firstly, expanding the scale of the domestic suppliers. KFC took active measures to make its twenty five domestic suppliers who are distributed in the twenty seven cities and regions are now the most outstanding in industry. For example, Zhucheng Foreign Trade Corporation in Shandong province, being in relationship with KFC for more than five years has become the largest county foreign trade corporatio n. Secondly, localization of overseas suppliers. KFC has been actively encouraging foreign suppliers to enter into China to establish local factories. For the past few years, KFC have succeed in promoting seventeen products localization which originally have to be imported from overseas suppliers. KFC Continuously integrated suppliers around itself, and established a strategic cooperation partnership with them. The attitude KFC treated with suppliers reflected the humanistic concern and Chinese characters. 5. S.W.O.T analysis of Chinese fast food enterprises Taking KFC as a typical example of western style fast food enterprises, we have showed the competitiveness and competitive strategies they adopt. To compete successfully against with them, what strategies should our Chinese fast food enterprise adopt? To answer this question, an S.W.O.T analysis may be effective. And when it comes to analysis on external opportunities and threatens, we could also apply PEST analysis. 5.1 External Opportunities (O) 5.1.1 Economical factors: (1) Economy of China grows at high rate. Since the policy of Reform and Opening-up in 1978, Chinas government has constantly taken economic development as the center, persisting in Reform and Opening up. For a recent decade, Chinas economy increased at an average rate over 10%.(www.stats.gov.cn) Even during the Southeast Asian Financial Crisis in 1998 and financial crisis recently, under the impact of world economic shock , Chinas economic performance is the best among the world. (1)Industry has a huge potential for development. Although with peoples living standards improving, the proportion of the third industrys output to GDP is increasing, but compared with the western developed countries, China is still low in proportion of the third industry to GDP. While the third industry is a good way to increase employment, social wealth as well as peoples effective living standard, so there must be a huge potential for development of third industry in China. As part of the third industry, the output of the fast food industry in China has increased at average rate of 16%, even during bad times like the Southeast Asian Financial Crisis, it enjoyed the rate over 16% (www.stats.gov.cn). In fact, the national bureau of statistics in China considered the fast food industry as one of the industries with the greatest economic growth, which revealed that the fast food in China would become a promising industry in the future. 5.1.2 Political factors: (1)Great policy support. In order to support Chinas fast growth, in march of 1997, Foreign Trade Department in China issued à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… the Chain Stores Operating Normsà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹, later à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… Development Program of Fast Food Industry in Chinaà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹in September of 1997, and à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… The Commercial Franchising Management Measuresà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹(for trial implementation) in November of 1997. All these documents pointed out the guiding principles, development target, the main task, organization in the implementation and measures. (2) Political stability The good investment environment, huge market and abundant tourism resources, attracted a large number of investors and tourists, thus making fast food become a indispensable need for businessman, tourists and other people who are occupied by outdoors activities. (4)Chinas entering into WTO promotes development of fast food industry. Firstly, the fast food industrys raw material costs would decline and the quality would be improved. According to the agreements between China and American, China would open part of its grain market after entering into WTO. China would import 30million tons grain with high-quality, accounting for about 6% of Chinas whole grain market. These imported grain included One thousand tons of wheat, seven hundred tons corn six hundreds tons of rice, five hundred tons of soybean meal, four hundred tons of soybean and three hundred and thirty tons of soybean oil, meanwhile some special breeds of certain fruit and meat .Because of the low price and good quality of import products, this will push domestic enterprises to reduce costs and improve quality. Secondly, it is helpful to expand the use of foreign capital and improve manufacturing processing equipments technological level. According the principle of national treatment, foreign investors will be treated as same as Chinese domestic enterprises. Further more, the Chinas legal policies are becoming more transparent, it is easier for foreign investors to well predict market risk and profit condition. We have great confidence that foreign investors will invest in fast food industry. This can solve domestic capital insufficient contradiction, also can improve food Industry processing technology and management level, to produce scientific and modern Chinese food. Thirdly, it is advantageous for Chinas fast food enterprises to compete in the international market. Under the framework of WTO, each members of WTO reduce tariff rate and eliminate barriers, and open services trade market. Our domestic fast food enterprises can enjoy national treatment, which helps to create opportunities for them to walk towards the world. Chinese food, especially the various cuisines, enjoy high reputation and consumers big welcome. If the traditional crafts with modern scientific technology can be perfectly combined, with good quality and reasonable price, Chinese fast food will be bound to succeed In the international market. Fourthly, it is helpful to accelerate the strategic reorganization of Chinese fast food enterprises. The large restaurant brand enterprise groups, with the establishment of fair market competition system, the competition among domestic fast food enterprises and between domestic fast food enterprises and foreign ones will tend to be more intense. After that, however, some large restaurant brand enterprise group, with the appropriate scale and regional across, will be formed. 5.1.3 Social factors: Although more young people love to enjoy western style fast food, most of adults still prefer Chinese fast food. It is no doubt that in the future, people will definitely pay more attention on diet health. And since Chinese people are rooted on their profound diet culture, it is not easy for them to shift away from tradition. Moreover, this advantages over western style fast food can be enhanced as long as Chinese fast food enterprises develop suitable strategies to assure the quality, tastes, service as well as to improve the management. 5.1.4 Technological factors: In fact, a great of the success of western style fast food should attributed to technological progress which also do good to Chinese fast food enterprises. Owing to more advanced and sophisticated cooking equipments, it costs less time to provide and offer Chinese food. Additionally, the cooking process can be divided into small pieces and each piece can be controlled, which ensures the finest quality of food and make standardization feasible. 5.2 External Threatens (T) (1) Fast expansion of western style fast food in China. In 1987 on November 12, the first KFC restaurant was established in Beijing .about 20years later in 2007, the chain stores of Yum KFC group in China has amounted about two thousand and one hundred. During the period of time , McDonalds, pizza hut, Japanese, Italian pizza all entered into China In succession, in order to share the huge Chinese consumption .not only did these western style fast food occupied consumption market, they also changed gradually the diet concept of Chinese people. (2) The competitive advantages of western style fast food enterprises are strengthened. Based on competition principles of fairness, openness, justification, the foreign enterprises in China usually implement localization strategy to reduce the cost. In China, however, there are many and serious defects in talent incentive mechanism and income distribution system, so the foreign enterprises with good training mechanism, and competitive compensation And scientific personnel management mode, will attract large quantities of outstanding management and professional talents. Until the end of 2000, the total KFC staff in China is 2.4 million, of them, More than 5,000 members are restaurants managers or function managers. During the early period time after KFCs entering in to China, the raw materials were fully imported abroad. But nowadays, being fully provided locally, resulting in KFCs operating costs further reduced, the competitive advantages further strengthen. (3) Competition between industries is intense. In the past, hotels and restaurants confined their consumption market to people with median or high income level. Because this market has been saturated, now the restaurants shift their attentions to a broader need of the public. Usually, in order to attract more consumers, the restaurants nowadays provide the food at a very reasonable price. Further more, to satisfy different tastes of different kinds of consumers, more varieties and flavors of food have been developed. More and more restaurants begin to operate their business in a chain and systematic way, which lowers the operation costs quite a lot. (4) A large number of potential entrants From the perspective of investment capital, the general financing volume is not very high. According to the à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… Chinese Fast Food Industry Research Reportà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹, to invest one fast food store, the minimum investment capital requires 100 thousand Yuan, and the maximum investment capital is 1million Yuan. Usually, the former which need a smaller volume money are Chinese fast food chain enterprises, while the latter which need a larger volume of money tend to be western fast food chain enterprises. Investment above includes training fee and decoration expenses and so on. From the view of technology, the technologic barriers of fast food industry are not very high neither. From the view of the market situation, diet is an important competent of social activities for people and also serves as a main way for intercourse among people. Especially, the long history of thousands of years of the diet culture determines that the consumption market of fast food industry is huge. Factors like high return on investment, stable consumption market make fast food industry the investing hot, with a large number of investors in. (5) Diet culture changing. Over the world, it is impossible that the food demand structure of one country keep invariant, without being influenced by foreign food culture. This even applies to countries like China, France and Italy which all have a proud diet culture. It is inevitable that new varieties of food and cooking methods from other countries or regions will affect another nation food demand structure(Shone, Nobuhiro, Kaiser, 2000). The more open of one nation, the easier the food demand structure of itself tends to be affected by foreign food culture. Not only have Western fast Food culture promoted the development of Chinese fast food, but also have cultivated a certain group who have a preference for western fast food(Jussaume,2001). Since the youth are the target consumption market for KFC, the youth are mostly affected by western fast food culture. They think of eating western style fast food as a new and fashionable life style rather than simply satisfying their appetites. 5.3 Internal Strength (S) (1) A large number of varieties There are a large number of Chinese fast food varieties such as rice, noodles, dumplings, pancakes and so on, which are characterized by traditional national characteristics. It is rather difficulty for western fast food restaurants to offer such rich varieties of food. The diet culture with the history of five thousand years impresses every Chinese profound influence, which is the greatest advantage over western style fast food. (2) Flavours of diversification Due to Chinas vast territory and 56 ethnic groups in different regions, consumers in different regions have different diet habits. Even within the same region, the tastes vary across individuals. Although Western style fast food restaurants make some adjustment on tastes in different countries to satisfy the local taste, generally, the tastes of their food have not changed a lot for their slogan tastes the same over the world. (3) Moderate price China is still a developing country, in 2001, disposable income of urban residents per capita is 6860 Yuan. Price is still the major considering factor when they are planning to consume. The cost of western-style food consumption per capita each time is between 20yuan to 50yuan, which is still on the high side for general consumers. According to the statistical analysis, the average cost of Chinese fast food per capita each time is about 10yuan which is the consumption level that most Chinese people can reach. As a matter of fact, these people are the main consumption of fast food industry. (4) Loyal customers It is the cultural features of food consumption that assures the Chinese fast food enterprises stable and loyal customers. Food consumption is not only a mean which satisfies people the most basic physiological needs, but also cultural features by which a nation is distinguished from other nations. Whether you are one of the elders who are deeply rooted by prominent feature and traditional culture or of new trend-spotting generation, and whether you are one of the rich who pursuit life quality or of the low-income receivers who are mainly contented with physiological needs. As long as you are born in China, the diet culture is rather hard to change. Although other cultural features, such as the consumption idea, clothing, lifestyle is actually changing with the further development of Globalization, modernization. The Local feature makes the entry of the foreign enterprise into Chinese market more difficult than the entry into markets like financial market, insurance market, Consultin g and other services industry market. Compared with the enterprises into China, Chinese fast food enterprises have a objective advantage namely customer loyalty. 5.4 Internal Weakness (W) (1)The poor sanitary conditions in restaurants and instability of food quality The sanitary conditions of fast food industry is directly related to the health of customers. They are reflected in three aspects: sanitary conditions of the production of food processing, sanitary conditions of tableware and dinnerware and sanitary conditions of dining restaurant environment. The sanitary situation of most fast food enterprises in our country health situation is worrying, even if Equipped with the disinfection equipment according relevant regulations, the procedure of disinfection is often omitted when there are not enough dish plates. Chef and Staff are very in cleanliness, especially during summer. Such terrible sanitary conditions discouraged many customers from dining. KFC especially emphasis on internal cleansing, the company set rules about how to check the stores cleanliness. Items like food quality, cooking, cooking time and temperature and so on have to be evaluated by the following assessment: quality, service, health and value .the scores of the four asse ssments would decide whether you are eligible to join to apply for new stores. Chinese fast food restaurants are lack of quantitative criteria, because the chef cooks by his or her experience. It is difficult to guarantee quality of uniform standards, and food quality is not showing a great deal of stability, which has a negative effect on the inheritance of the traditional cooking and Chinese fast food track of modernization. Western-style fast food enterprises use advanced production equipment and technology, and strictly control the food-processing time, temperature, taste, which can prevent the food from the impact of human factors to ensure the quality stability. (3)Being Slow to provide food Summary of the main features of fast food is to provide catering services in the shortest possible time(Jekanowski, Binkley ,2001), thereby saving consumers time. For fast food enterprises, if they can not increase the service speed, it means that they are probably to lose their customers and market. It is estimated that the waiting time of Chinese fast food enterprises customers is a period of 15 minutes for 10, while KFCs is less than two minutes. (4) Marketing concepts left behind Food products include three parts: a core product to meet the appetite; the form of products of a delicious food, excellent environment, clean utensils; extension product of a satisfactory service. Chinese fast food enterprises are in the pursuit of foods colour, Smell and taste too much, and ignore the image of the restaurant, service norms, the waiting time, cleanliness of environment and extension of the form of products(Liu,2003). Therefore the overall product does not meet consumers expectations, resulting in failure in competition with Western-style fast food. The Chinese fast food enterprises are poor at brand awareness, people are more familiar with KFC an
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Energy Trends And Energy Policy In Malaysia Environmental Sciences Essay
In the twelvemonth 2005, the energy ingestion in Malaysia is about 38.9 Mtoe which is addition about 5.6 per centum from the twelvemonth 2000. Oil is a significant part of energy consumed which is about 63 per centum. It is chiefly used in the industrial and conveyance sector. Natural gas ingestion besides increased in analogue with the fuel electricity demand. Although it is decrease from 77 per centum in yea 2000 to 70 per centum in twelvemonth 2005 but it still considered as a high in the portion of natural gas with the electricity coevals. Actually the authorities wants to increase the portion of coal in the electricity coevals mix, but it merely reached about 22 per centum in 2005. In twelvemonth 1980, Malaysia authorities introduced the National Depletion Policy. It is because Malaysia has many conventional energy resources ( oil and gas ) and renewable energy such as hydro, biomass and solar energy. The intent of this policy is to develop the economic system ‘s oil and gas in a sustainable mode and fixed the maximal day-to-day oil and gas production degrees. The production degrees for the natural gas militias are expected to last another 33 old ages and oil militias are expected to last another 19 old ages. Malaysia authorities introduced the Five Fuel Strategy in order to happen alternate energy beginnings after oil, coal, natural gas and hydro. In 2005, biodiesel was introduced for the conveyance sector to accomplish sustainable energy development through variegation of fuel beginning. Energy demand The portion of Malaysia ‘s urban population will increase from 63 per centum in 2002 to 78 per centum in 2030. Besides, the existent GDP besides increase about 3.4 per centum per annum. The increasing of population and existent GDP will take to alter in lifestyle and do energy demand besides increase in the conveyance, commercial and industrial sector. Beginning: Global Penetrations ( 2005 ) Figure: Real GDP and Population The concluding energy demand until 2030 shows the industry sector will hold the highest growing rate which is about 4.3 per centum. The 2nd growing rate is transport sector at 3.9 per centum and followed by residential at 3.1 per centum. The lowest growing rate energy demand is commercial sector at 2.7 per centum. The concluding energy demand is shown in figure below. Beginning: APERC Analysis ( 2006 ) Figure: Final Energy Demand Although the concluding energy demand for the industry sector is the growing rate, but its mean one-year growing is decrease about 7.5 per centum over the past two decennaries. It is because of the switching industry construction from energy intensive to non-intensive energy and betterment of energy efficiency. Energy demand for natural gas is expected to growing at 43 per centum of industrial demand in 2030. Hence, substitute the oil as a primary fuel in Malaysia. Malaysia authorities makes many programs in order to happen alternate renewable fuel. It can see by the development of biomass energy in Malaysia. Biomass energy is used in cogeneration by palm oil industries. Intro Production The Malayan authorities stated that mush and paper industry as one of the of import sector for investing in the 2nd industrial maestro program ( IMP 2 ) . The chief aim of this program is to accomplish a province of ego sufficient, cut down import and promote foreign capital influx. Although, in the twelvemonth 1997 occur Asiatic Crisis, the mush and paper industry still can last to make their production. No mill was closed down or taken by larger companies at this clip. The mush and paper industry merely produce little production because they cutting the cost of production but still efficient. This industry besides concentrating on niche markets at the national graduated table. Until now, this industry becomes one of the of import sectors that contribute to development of Malaysia economic system. The entire capacity of mush and paper production is about over than one million tones per twelvemonth and it is increase twelvemonth by twelvemonth. In Malaysia, the production of mush and paper industry does non carry through the domestic ingestion. Malaysia had ever dependent on newspaper import. Figure: Malaya Pulp Production and Consumption Figure: Malaysia Paper Production and Consumption Malaya is turning in the paper recycling procedure. Many mills use about 95 per centum wastepaper as a natural stuff base. Some company makes net income by selling the wastepaper to another company. The authorities decided to censor export of wastepaper to do certain that all of the wastepaper collected stayed in the state. Figure: Pulp and Paper mill in Malaya From the figure, there are 20 mills of mush and paper in Malaysia. For the instance survey, three mills were selected. The mills are: Cenpak Holding ( M ) Sdn Bhd Plo 59, Jalan Perusahaan 4, Senai Industrial Estate, 81400 Senai, Johor. The company specialising in the maker of expandible polystyrene boxes and corrugated paper cartons merchandises. This company was established in twelvemonth 1991. 2 ) Genting Sanyen Industrial Paper Sdn Bhd Batch 7090. Mukim Tg. 12, Karung Berkunci 206, 42700 Banting, Selangor Malaya The company specialising in the maker of line drives and corrugated medium documents. This company was established in twelvemonth 1992. It has approximately 600 employees working in this company. The company is able to bring forth 250,000 M/T of industrial paper per twelvemonth. 3 ) Ornapaper Industry ( M ) Sdn Bhd No. 8998, Kawasan Perindustrian Peringkat IV Batu Berendam 75350 Melaka Malaya The company specialising in the maker of corrugated cartons and boards. This company was established in twelvemonth 1990.It has approximately 300 employees working in two displacements. The company is able to bring forth 100,000 M/T of corrugated boards and cartons per twelvemonth. Table shows the entire operating hr and net production for each mill. From the tabular array below, the highest production and runing hr is from Genting Sanyen compared to Ornapaper and Cenpak. It is because Genting Sanyen has a big works and many fabrication machines that allow to bring forth a big sum of production. No Item Unit of measurement Cenpak Genting Sanyen Ornapaper 1 2 Operating hr Net Production h/yr t/yr 6240 6,645 8400 196,631 5840 43,756 Table: Entire runing hr and net production Operational government and production figures Cenpak Holding ( M ) Sdn Bhd The works operates for 24 hours a twenty-four hours throughout the twelvemonth. The operational government of the works differs harmonizing to the procedure as shown in table below. No Item Unit of measurement Figure 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Base information CCB Corrugator machine Flexo Printing machines Waste H2O intervention EPS Preexpansion Modeling machines Dryers Boiler room operation Boiler 1 Boiler 2 h/yr h/yr h/yr h/yr h/yr h/yr h/yr h/yr 3,120 3,120 3,120 6,240 6,240 6,240 6,240 3,120 Plant operational government The monthly net production end product for the period January 2000 to December 2000 is shown in the undermentioned tabular array. Calendar month Unit of measurement Expanded polystyrene Corrugated carton box Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Sum T T T T T T T T T T T T T 59 74 62 48 57 65 66 66 53 64 45 36 695 567 743 478 479 478 422 533 472 453 565 456 306 5,950 Entire net production for the mention period Genting Sanyen Industrial Paper Sdn Bhd Operational government and production figures The works operates for 24 hours a twenty-four hours throughout the twelvemonth. The operational government of the works for each section is shown in table below. Department Working ( yearss ) Number of Shifts Working Hours Annual Operating Hours Stock readying 7 3 24 8,400 Paper machine 7 3 24 8,400 Care 7 3 24 8,400 The monthly production end product for the twelvemonth 2000 is given in the tabular array below. Calendar month Production ( T ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Entire 16,055 16,073 15,961 16,266 16,928 17,078 16,944 16,686 14,960 17,144 15,743 16,795 196,631 Ornapaper Industry ( M ) Sdn Bhd The Ornapaper works operates 16 hours a twenty-four hours on two displacements. However, certain subdivisions operate over longer periods. The one-year operating hours of the works harmonizing to the procedure are shown in Table below Plant one-year runing hr Unit of measurement Figure Corrugator machine Printing machine Waste H2O intervention Boiler Compressor Hr/yr Hr/yr Hr/yr Hr/yr Hr/yr 5840 5840 5840 5840 5840 The monthly production end product of the works for the twelvemonth 2002 is shown table below Calendar month Unit of measurement Corrugated box Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Tones Tones Tones Tones Tones Tones Tones Tones Tones Tones Tones Tones 4,234 2,976 4,054 3,946 4,256 3,818 3,375 3,157 3,190 3,571 3,659 3,520 Entire Tones 43,756 Monthly production for the twelvemonth 2002 Manufacturing procedure For the instance survey, fabricating procedure for each mill is different. It is because each works produces different merchandise and different machine. In order to accomplish energy salvaging step, it is of import to cognize the fabrication procedure and it energy ingestion in the procedure. Cenpak Holding ( M ) Sdn Bhd The company produces expandible polystyrene boxes and corrugated box. The production of corrugated box based on the client specification. The production procedure is begins with starch readying and paper axial rotations. The following phase is corrugators subdivision. In this subdivision, the corrugator machine will convey together a sheet of paper to organize individual or dual bed corrugated paper. The paper is produced in a uninterrupted procedure harmonizing to the merchandise design and specifications. The machine is divided into chief subdivisions, flute and hot home base subdivisions. The flute subdivision is divided into flutes portion and dual angel. The paper axial rotations are transported under the axial rotation stands utilizing conveyers. The operator so feeds the axial rotations into the corrugators. In the individual facer, the paper is which give the paper the fluted form. Starch is applied to the tips of the flutes on one side and the interior line drive is glued to the flute. The corrugated flute medium with one line drive attached to it, is called individual phaser web and travels along the machine towards dual angel. This subdivision is known as line preheater. There, the individual facer web meets the outer line drive and forms the corrugated board. After the board emerges from dual angel, it passes a steam heated a steam flatcar known as hot home base, the cutter cuts the board to the exact required length to obtain the corrugated sheet. Finally, corrugated sheets are stacked and sent to the 2nd subdivision of the corrugators hall by operators. Then, the corrugated carton box goes to following procedure which is publishing and slotting, cutting, turn uping and pasting the board to fabricate a corrugated box. In this subdivision, it have flexographic or flexo machines. This machine will publish, cuts, creases and glues the board into the concluding form in one operation. Unfortunately, non all operation can be managing with flexo machine. For the big poster board or more sophisticated packaging manner instance, it will travel to decease cutting and sewing or pasting procedure manually. Last, the corrugated carton box will be sent to review subdivision. In this subdivision, the merchandise will be inspects whether it is fulfill the client specification or non. After the review subdivision is complete, the merchandise will be sent to the client. Flow Diagram of corrugated box procedure Starch Preparation Paper RollsCorrugatorPrintingDie CutGluing/StitchingInspectionDeliveryThe 2nd of merchandise in this company is expandible polystyrene boxes. Figure below shows the general procedure to do the expandible polystyrene boxes. EPS RESIN NEW MOULD EXPANDER SILO AGING Molding Machine REQUIRE DRYING DRYING Packing material STORING Delivery Energy use at modeling procedure. Polystyrene modeling procedure requires the supply of steam, compressed air, electricity, chilling H2O and vacuity. Steam is required to provide heat for the formation of the polystyrene mold and chilling H2O to chill the vacuity pumps and molds. Compressed air is chiefly needed for the control of the molding procedure, purge of H2O and gap of the mold. Vacuum is required in the chilling and emptying of extra steam before the mold gap. Genting Sanyen Industrial Paper Sdn Bhd Flow diagram of production procedure of paper Waste PaperRaw stuff StorageStock Preparation Paper Machine Whitewater Preparation Wire Section Imperativeness Section Dryer Section Completing Section Paper Rolls First, the waste paper is collected and some waste paper is import from another company. After that, the natural stuff will be store up to six-month supply. The stock readying starts with the cleansing procedure. It starts with the centrifugal cleansing of the diluted mixture of contaminated fibres. The diluted waste paper mixture is pumped to different machines whose intent it is to divide the useable fibres from the ink or any other soiled stuff, which might be attached to the fibre. The mixture has to be farther diluted, dewatered, washed and pressed to hold those fibres reclaimed, which are clean and transcend a certain fibre size, the remainder is discarded as sludge. The fibres are separated in short and long fibres to command the strength and quality of the paper by choosing the appropriate mixture in the paper production subsequently on. Then, the procedure continues to the paper machine subdivision. The paper machine is used as a large drier which transform the loose fibres into solid sheet of paper. The paper machine can be spliting into another subdivision which is the white water readying system, the wire subdivision, the imperativeness subdivision, the drier subdivision with size imperativeness and finishing subdivision. Whitewater readying is provides the circulating H2O for the paper machine. The wire subdivision is orientating the fibres on a traveling screen ( wire ) and allows large measures of H2O to go through through. The imperativeness subdivision presses the H2O in the imperativeness felt which in bend is cleaned with hard-hitting H2O noses and suction tubings for H2O remotion. For the drier subdivision it will distilling inside the cylinder and heats the surface to about 140 & A ; deg ; C. Lastly, the finishing subdivision provides a steel calendar for smoothing the surface. Ornapaper Industry ( M ) Sdn Bhd The company produce corrugated box which is same with the Cenpak Holding. Hence, the fabrication procedure to bring forth corrugated box besides same. The procedure involve with starch readying and paper axial rotations, corrugators, printing, dice cut, pasting, review and bringing. Energy use at the corrugator The energy consumed at the corrugators subdivision is electrical and thermic energy. Electrical energy is used to run motors, fans and compressor. Thermal energy or steam supplied to the assorted subdivisions of the corrugators. . Boiler is used to bring forth steam for corrugator subdivision to blow H2O intervention works ( WWTP ) . Steam is supplied through a distribution pipe and the distribution is shown in figure below.BoilerSteam HeadingConveyerHot PlateDouble BeckerPreheaterWater TankIntro energy ingestion Energy ingestion of mush and paper industry is about 3 per centum from the entire industrial energy ingestion in Malaysia. The mush and paper industry self-generates from the energy required to back up the fabrication procedure. Wood waste fuels, chemical waste fuel watercourse and power cogeneration is the illustration of the spontaneous. Table below show the Malayan industrial energy ingestion in 2003. Cenpak Holding ( M ) Sdn Bhd Energy and public-service corporations ingestion The public-service corporations supplied to the site are electricity, Medium Fuel Oil ( MFO ) and H2O. The entire energy ingestion of the mill and the one-year energy and public-service corporation costs in the twelvemonth 2001 is shown in table below. No Item Unit of measurement Measure Cost th.RM 1 2 3 4 MFO Electricity Water Sum th.ltr MWh th.m3 Th.RM 1,363 2,961 35 736 688 76 1,501 Annual energy public-service corporation ingestion and costs for the twelvemonth 2001 Chart: one-year energy public-service corporation ingestion ( 2001 ) From the pie chart, we can see that MFO and electricity contribute major energy to the Cenpak Holding. Therefore, it recommended concentrating to this energy to cut down the cost. Description of the electric web The mill is billed under Duty E2 by TNB. The electric use, demand and cost sum-up for 2001 is shown in table below. Calendar month On-peak ( KWh ) Off-peak ( KWh ) Entire ( KWh ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Entire Annually cost ( th.RM/yr ) Average monetary value RM/KWh 167,160 157,800 156,450 141,350 113,510 151,000 151,320 185,440 170,200 157,130 152,220 124,810 1,828,390 380 96,390 91,250 88,690 98,050 76,980 96,920 107,710 119,000 101,440 102,330 88,550 65,780 1,133,090 145 263,550 249,050 245,140 239,400 190,490 247,920 259,030 304,440 271,640 259,460 240,770 190,590 2,961,480 688 0.232 Electricity duty Item Unit of measurement Rate Electrical energy Duty codification On peak period rate Off peak period rate Maximal demand for each KWh RM/KWh RM/KWh RM/month E3S 0.208 0.128 21.70 From the graph, we can see that the highest electricity ingestion was in August and the lowest is in May. The electricity ingestion is all of a sudden reduced in May and get down addition from June to August. The peak clip and off extremum is reduced towards the terminal of the twelvemonth. Fuel supply and ingestion The fuel used at Cenpak Holding is Medium Fuel Oil ( MFO ) . MFO is used in the boiler. The MFO ingestion and costs for the twelvemonth 2001 is shown in table below. No Fuel Unit of measurement Figure Entire cost ( th.RM ) 1 MFO ltr 1,363,250 736 Water Consumption Water ingestion for the twelvemonth 2001 is shown in table below. Calendar month Consumption ( M3 ) Cost ( RM ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Entire 2,351 2,560 2,806 2,720 2,747 3,473 2,743 2,580 2,251 3,486 3,720 3,077 34,514 4,558.93 5,722.81 6,274.98 6,080.85 6,142.08 7,768.32 6,132.37 5,768.00 5,031.04 7,797.05 8,320.85 6,881.28 76,478.56 From the graph, we can see that the highest H2O ingestion was in November and the lowest is in January. The cost for the H2O ingestion is parallel with the H2O ingestion. Higher the H2O ingestion, higher the cost. Genting Sanyen Industrial Paper Sdn Bhd Energy and public-service corporation ingestion The public-service corporations supplied to the site are electricity, steam, and H2O. The one-year energy cost in the twelvemonth 2000 for each public-service corporation is shown in table below. No Utility Unit of measurement Consumption Equivalent Energy Cost GJ%1000 RM%1 2 3 Electricity Steam Water MWh T M3 98,602 316,199 2,247,232 1,268 867,334–868,602 0.15 99.85–100 19,720 7,905 1123.6 28,746 25 73 3 100 Chart one-year cost for each public-service corporation From the pie chart, we can see that electricity consume the major portion of the cost which is 69 % . Therefore, it is recommended concentrating the electricity energy to cut down the cost. Specific electricity ingestion per ton ( EUI ) The specific electricity ingestion per ton ( EUI ) for the twelvemonth 2000 is shown in the tabular array below. Calendar month Electricity ( MWh ) Production ( T ) EUI ( MWh/t ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 7,185 7,063 6,929 7,246 7,365 8,623 8,772 8,766 8,201 9,319 8,693 10,441 16,055 16,073 15,961 16,266 16,928 17,078 16,944 16,686 14,960 17,144 15,743 16,795 0.45 0.44 0.43 0.45 0.44 0.50 0.52 0.53 0.55 0.54 0.55 0.62 Entire 98,602 196,631 0.50 Table specific electricity ingestion per ton ( EUI ) From the graph, we can see that specific energy ingestion per ton ( EUI ) reaches the highest in December and lowest in March. The mean electricity ingestion is 0.50 MWh/ton. Specific steam ingestion The specific steam ingestion ( EUI ) for the twelvemonth 2000 is shown in the tabular array below. Calendar month Steam ( T ) Production ( T ) EUI ( t/t ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 26,074 26,270 26,023 27,029 27,142 27,024 24,658 28,111 27,247 28,353 22,333 25,935 16,055 16,073 15,961 16,266 16,928 17,078 16,944 16,686 14,960 17,144 15,743 16,795 1.62 1.63 1.63 1.66 1.60 1.58 1.46 1.68 1.82 1.65 1.42 1.54 Entire 316,199 196,631 1.61 Table specific steam ingestion per ton ( EUI ) Specific steam ingestion From the graph, we can see that specific steam ingestion ( EUI ) reaches the highest in September and lowest in November. The mean electricity ingestion is 1.61 t/t. The specific H2O ingestion for the twelvemonth 2000 is shown in the tabular array below. Calendar month Water ( M3 ) Production ( T ) Spec. Water Consumption ( m3/t ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 18,2257 16,6727 17,7752 17,7061 17,9752 18,5445 20,6532 19,7667 19,4102 20,0148 18,2558 19,7231 16,055 16,073 15,961 16,266 16,928 17,078 16,944 16,686 14,960 17,144 15,743 16,795 11.35 10.37 11.14 10.89 10.62 10.86 12.19 11.85 12.97 11.67 11.60 11.74 Entire 2,247,232 196,631 11.43 Table specific H2O ingestion. From the graph, we can see that specific H2O ingestion ( EUI ) reaches the highest in September and lowest in February. The mean electricity ingestion is 11.43 m3/t.Energy and Utilities ConsumptionThe major energy consumed in their works is light fuel oil ( LFO ) , electricity and diesel oil. Electricity is utilised chiefly for its procedure machine such as corrugator, publishing machines, sewing machine, compressor, fan and office. LFO is used by boiler to bring forth steam while Diesel is chiefly used for vehicles. The entire energy and public-service corporations ingestion for the twelvemonth 2002 is shown in table below. No Item Unit of measurement Measure Cost th.RM 1 2 3 4 LFO Diesel Electricity Water Sum th.ltr th.ltr MWh M3 th.RM 1,485 102 3,294 24,346 980 64 605 36 1,685 Chart: one-year energy public-service corporation ingestion ( 2002 ) From the pie chart, we can see that LFO and electricity contribute major energy to the Ornapaper. Therefore, it recommended concentrating to this energy to cut down the cost. Electricity duty The site belongs to TNB ‘s duty codification E2 – Medium Voltage Peak / Off-peak Industrial Tariff. Table below shows the duty rate. Item Unit of measurement Rate Electrical energy Duty codification On peak period rate Off peak period rate Maximal demand for each KWh RM/KWh RM/KWh RM/month E2 0.208 0.128 21.70 Electricity ingestion Table below shows the monthly electricity ingestion and costs for the twelvemonth 2002. Calendar month On-peak ( KWh ) Off-peak ( KWh ) Entire ( KWh ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Entire 198,000 195,860 200,350 218,840 209,570 209,570 210,520 215,850 215,380 202,780 212,690 186,130 2,475,540 100,270 85,040 111,930 111,460 112,460 112,460 73,460 84,720 78,260 73,060 61,250 62,640 1,067,010 298,270 280,900 312,280 330,300 322,030 322,030 283,980 300,570 293,640 275,840 273,940 248,770 3,542,550 Annually cost ( th.RM/yr ) 515 137 651 Average monetary value ( RM/KWh ) 0.184 Graph: Electricity Consumption ( 2002 ) From the graph, we can see that the highest electricity ingestion was in April and the lowest is in December. The peak clip is about same throughout the twelvemonth but the off extremum is reduced towards the terminal of the twelvemonth. Fuel ingestion Light Fuel Oil ( LFO ) and Diesel are used at Ornapaper. As reference before, LFO is used for boiler to bring forth steam and Diesel is used for vehicle. Table below shows the fuel ingestion for the twelvemonth 2002. No Fuel Unit of measurement Figure Entire cost ( th.RM ) 1 1.1 1.2 Liquid fuel LFO Diesel ltr ltr 1,621,280 101919 1070 64 Entire Cost 1134 Specific Energy Consumption ( 2002 ) Calendar month Electricity ( KWh ) LFO ( ltr ) Production ( metric tons ) Specific Energy Consumption Electricity ( Kwh/tonnes ) LFO ( GJ/tonnes ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 298,270 280,900 312,280 330,300 322,030 322,030 283,980 300,570 293,640 275,840 273,940 248,770 99,655 71,182 160,527 93,764 239,073 130,255 145,800 149,236 87,873 164,152 143,427 136,337 4,234 2,976 4,054 3,946 4,256 3,818 3,375 3,157 3,190 3,571 3,659 3,520 70.4 94.4 77.0 83.7 75.7 84.4 84.1 95.2 92.1 77.2 74.9 70.7 0.85 0.86 1.43 0.86 2.03 1.23 1.56 1.71 1.00 1.66 1.42 1.40 Entire 3,542,550 1,621,280 43,756 81.6 1.33 Graph specific energy ingestion ( electricity ) From the graph, we can see specific energy ingestion highest in February and the lowest in January. Specific energy ingestion is cut down from October to January. Therefore, it is chances to cut down the electricity ingestion. Graph specific energy ingestion ( LFO ) From the graph, we can see specific energy ingestion highest in May and the lowest in January. Specific energy ingestion is about same from January to February. Therefore, it is chances to cut down theLFO ingestion and step energy salvaging for the boiler. Water Consumption Water is used for boiler to bring forth steam and for publishing procedure at the Ornapaper. The H2O ingestion for Ornapaper in the twelvemonth 2002 is given in table below. Calendar month Figure ( M3 ) Entire Cost ( th.RM ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Entire 1,480 1,581 2,486 1,994 2,349 2,331 2,245 1,986 1,171 1,194 1,676 3,265 23,758 2,175.60 2,324.07 3,654.42 2,931.18 3,453.03 3,426.57 3,300.15 2,919.42 1,721.37 1,755.18 2,463.72 4,799.55 34,924.26 Graph H2O consumotion and cost ( 2002 ) From the graph, we can see that the highest H2O ingestion was in December and the lowest is in September. The cost for the H2O ingestion is parallel with the H2O ingestion. Higher the H2O ingestion, higher the cost.
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