Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Determinants Of Import Demand For Ghana Essay - 2185 Words
DETERMINANTS OF IMPORT DEMAND IN GHANA Abstract The paper investigates the determinants of import demand for Ghana using a time series data from 1980 to 2013. An imperfect substitute approach was used in modelling the import demand function for Ghana. Amongst the key results it is found that Ghana’s import demand is positively and significantly affected by the level of exports, government spending and gross fixed capital formation. These three variables are the major determinants of Ghana’s imports. Relative prices and inflation showed a negative insignificant relationship. The study concluded that increasing the share of those components for which import demand elasticity is low and by reducing the share of those components for which import demand elasticity is high will help improve balance of payments.. For instance, monetary policy promoting saving and investment and fiscal policy providing incentives for domestic resource-based and export oriented industries will be useful. Exports of finished goods instead of p rimary or semi-finished commodities should be encouraged. Keywords: Import demand, import substitution, Ghana Introduction The importance of international trade in the development process has been of interest to development economists. In the recent years, because of the popularity of globalization, the interdependence among countries at the world level has increased. Every country wants to achieve rapid pace of economic development through getting theShow MoreRelatedEffects of Human Capital on Maize Production in Ghana Essay1555 Words  | 7 Pagesto 21.5% in 2013, it still remains a significant player in the economy of the country (Ghana Statistical Service 2008; ISSER 2011; CIA 2013). The agricultural sector employs about 60% of the workforce in Ghana and can therefore be regarded as the backbone of the Ghanaian economy (ISSER, 2011). 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Hello Guys It’s Sports Day Free Essays
I feel it a great pleasure to participate as Chief Guest in the 20th Annual-cum-Sports Day of Akal Academy Baru Sahib here today. Today’s world is very competitive. Mere education will not suffice. We will write a custom essay sample on Hello Guys It’s Sports Day or any similar topic only for you Order Now Education combined with good, moral character and knowledge with proficiency in sports and extra curricular activities is necessary. Education ignites the minds of youth and it should be knowledge-based and should kindle the thinking process in the youth. Educating more and more rural youth is essential. It should reach the unreached. Qualitative improvement in education suited to the changing scenario is warranted. Education is a continuous process and starts right from childhood and gradually makes one a leader. It is he teacher who nurtures good conduct and character amongst students. Real education moulds the youth into useful citizens of tomorrow. Inculcating discipline and moral values in the students are necessary. The onerous responsibility of shaping the youth rests with the teachers. The teachers should stand as role models for the students. The teachers are like Gurus and are next to God. The Gurukul form of education was prevalent in earlier days. There were lot of restrictions on students and strict discipline was maintained. The Gurus were above all in the society and they received great respect. Now the residential schools provide various avenues for learning. All subjects are taught and students are involved in various extra curricular activities also. Sports is recreation and the joy of participation, developing skills, regular practice and hard work that makes one to excel in sports. Taking to extra curricular activities is a must for students. It helps one to develop good physique, reduces stress and develops the quality of team spirit. Learning self-confidence, goal-setting and time management are the necessary for a sports person. Concentrate on sports. Rigorous practice and dedication will help you to win laurels to your institution, state and the nation. The physical education teachers and the educational institutions should take it as their bounden duty to identify talents from the students and put them to special coaching. Starting of exclusive sports schools as in US and UK should also be considered. I am sure that by starting sports schools, we can produce many talented sportspersons, who can compete at the global level and in Olympics. I am sure that the Kalgidhar Trust/Society would formulate plans to further improve sports in this complex. I congratulate all the students who have won prizes in various events. Sant Attar Singh Ji and Sant Teja Singh Ji were both extremely dedicated persons. Sant Attar Singh founded many educational institutions in rural areas in Punjab and also Akal College, Mastuana. He sent Sant Teja Singh to foreign countries for higher education and learning and after coming back he dedicated his life for imparting quality education to the needy. This institution was also started according to their wishes. My mother told me that Sant Ji used to perform Kirtan in a loud voice, which could be heard half a mile away as there were no loud-speakers in those days. He was invited to lay the foundation of the Hindu University, Banaras by Pandit Madan Mohan Malavia. This place is blessed by such great saints and that is why the Baru Sahib Academy, which was started in 1986 with just 5 students, now has strength of 23,000 students studying in its 22 CBSE affiliated Secondary schools. I congratulate the Akal Academies established by The Kalgidhar Trust for yeoman service to the society and to the spread of education. It is heartening to note that the Kalgidhar Trust and the Society are working with a mission to establish a permanent peace in the world through the synthesis of value-based scientific education and moral rejuvenation creating good global citizens. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a great enlightener and a teacher. Guru Nanak’s concern with the right conduct of individuals and society and social responsibilities, is of universal significance. The educational institutions and the teachers are bestowed with the responsibility of producing students with good conduct and character. Service to poor is service to God. I am pleased to learn that The Kalgidhar Trust, a non-profit charitable organization has dedicated itself in the promotion of quality education and in creation of future citizens with good conduct and character and committed towards society. The services rendered by the Kalgidhar Trust/Society towards spiritual upliftment of the underprivileged and in primary health care in rural areas in North India and its dedication towards upliftment of the socio-economic status of rural poor is laudable. Health is the prime wealth for a nation and various welfare schemes are implemented by the Central and State Governments to take care of the health of the people. NGOs provide a helping hand in providing healthcare and in creation of awareness on health and hygiene. I congratulate the Kalgidhar Trust Society for its dedicated efforts to improve basic healthcare through better immunization, child and maternal healthcare, establishing de-addiction centers and by taking out preventive and curative measures to control diseases and for working with a mission to provide healthcare to the underprivileged. The services rendered by the Trust to HIV and AIDS affected persons, through ‘One Stop Centers’ is laudable. A nation develops when there is explosion of knowledge and by development of education. As students, your contribution is vital. Aim high in life. Set your goals. Work hard to achieve them. This is what your parents, your teachers and the institution expect from you. I am pleased to learn that the Kalgidhar Trust and Society’s vision is to create high caliber students with all-round excellence, beyond academic dimensions and to provide more such students and to enable the underprivileged to attain this distinction. I convey my warm felicitations to Baba Iqbal Singh Ji, Dr. Khem Singh, who are experts in their own fields and to all the office-bearers and members of the Kalgidhar Trust and Society, the principal, teachers, staff and students on the 20th Annual-cum-Sports Day and wish The Kalgidhar Trust and Akal Academy all success in its endeavors. Jai Hind How to cite Hello Guys It’s Sports Day, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Defining the Concept of Self Essay Example For Students
Defining the Concept of Self Essay Who am I? There are many of us walking around trying to figure out who we are and what we stand for. Self-reflection can be conveyed in many different ways, using many different adjectives to describe the person we are. There are some who will give an honest description of one’s self and then there is some who become delusional with the perception they want others to see. Most people on social sites create a profile which can be so far from whom they really are, it is usually a perception of who they want to be. This paper will define the self, the concept of the self, the functions of the self, the core motives of the self, and how the core motives of the self relates to survival. The definition of the self can have a variety of descriptions depending on who is defining it. The self is an embodied human who have different attributes, characteristics, and interest which distinguished them from other people. The self will take ownership and possession of materialistic items to create an outlook to be viewed by others. The self is the study of the effective and cognitive method to identify one’s self. There are four basic levels to identify the self, they are body self, inner self, interpersonal self, and societal self (Fiske, 2010). The body self, also can be referred to as the material self, is the most simplistic level of identifying the unique characteristics of a person. The body self takes on ownership of one’s belongings. The distinction between the self and not-self would include an expressive response to having something loss, damaged, or derogation. These are all characteristics of the self (Fiske, 2010). The inner self is an experience that a person will go through, which can be described as an inner body experience that will separate from body an outer experience. The inner self is the qualifications that relatives and close friends see when they are around you. The inner self displays characteristics of emotions, beliefs, and who we are and what we are made of. The inner self is a reflection of how the self relates to the society and the way one expresses concern for specific issues. The interpersonal self is a connection one develops between two parties. The interpersonal self is a unique description of who we are and who or what we want to become. The self will choose a career path built on the personality of the self. The interpersonal self is a defined description of who people perceive to be and become. The self-perception of how someone previews themselves is determined by self-concept, self-esteem, and self-presentation. Self –concept is a cognitive component of one’s self. It helps to define the intellectual focus and beliefs of the self. Self-concepts consists of one’s self schema, which is a combination of self-esteem, self-knowledge, and the social self which creates a formation of one’s completed wholesome self. The outlook of one’s self schema is a representation of who the person is and what they want to become. Self-schema gives a general idea the person’s past, present, and their future. The perception of one’s self schema is to become a better person than they have been in the past. Self-esteem is a trait people have to determine how they value themselves and how valuable they can be to the world and others. Self-esteem plays a big part in relationships and deems others to be trustworthy. Self-esteem determines how a positive a person feels about themselves. A person’s self-esteem can present a positive outlook on life, which determines them to have a high self-esteem. On the other hand, there is a person with a low self-esteem, which they feel unwanted and out casted by others. A person with a low self-esteem has no regard on their full potential. They feel unworthy and think very poorly of themselves. A person with a high self-esteem has a very strong personality and takes charge of their life without the fear of rejection. .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676 , .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676 .postImageUrl , .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676 , .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676:hover , .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676:visited , .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676:active { border:0!important; } .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676:active , .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676 .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u309189097c67db428eccb28e70d22676:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Self as a Writing Concept EssaySelf-presentation is a description of how people try to present themselves to others. The presentation of the self, a person would affiliate themselves with important people, figuring out ways to help others, and convey positive attributes to others. These characteristics of a person can give others the idea that the person is an overall good and helpful human being. There are five core social motives that evolve to assist people to become part of something positive and effective. Most people yearn to become part of a group or community. The five core social motives consist of belonging, understanding, controlling, self-enhancing, and trusting. Each one of these motives build upon one another, the main motive is belonging. Belonging is a state of action of needing and wanting to be a part of something and show some type of consistency. We are creatures of nature, who yearn to find a companion to build a strong foundation with, this helps us to operate on a daily basis. People who are not involved in a group or community tend to become a loner. Most people who become very distance tend to create even more problems for themselves, meaning you haven some that indulge in some criminal activity just to belong to something. When a person feels they belong to something, it helps them to develop physically and psychologically. The motives consist of two cores which demonstrate cognition and the other two proven to be affective. After the sense of belonging, one tends to gain an understanding, a comprehension of their surroundings and being able to decipher it according to their level of knowledge. A personal understanding of what is going on around you and having a stable interpretation is all about being a part of a community group. This helps the people to function in a group settings appropriately. Next core social motive is controlling, which also is a cognitive social motive. Controlling is a sense of realizing that the behavioral regime affects one’s outcomes. Controlling is designed to develop a balance in life. This is very important because it allows us to perform and blend in with the community or group that a person chooses to become a part of. Having some control of one’s self, maintaining a daily schedule, and having the opportunity to control what happens during their day is a major part of daily life functioning. Enhancing the self is a motivational core that is designed to make people feel good about their overall self and continue enhancing their self-esteem. This motive becomes important in circumstances of threats, failure, or blows to one’s self-esteem. Self enhancement contains a predilection for positive and negative reviews of the self. This core motive is how people decide to control and direct their own actions. There are many different avenues a person can incorporate to enhance their self-worth, for example a person would criticize and put others down to make themselves look even better than they actually are. People, who seem to have a high self-esteem, continue to enhance one’s self-concept directly, by processing new information. A person with a low self-esteem would try to avoid situations where their inequalities are foreseen. Trusting is the last of the five core social motives which involves a general understanding that people tend to trust others. Trusting others eliminates any suspicion one have about another person. The failure to trust someone can be forgiven after some time has passed. Trust is a belief that is used to cope with the complexities that would require an unrealistic effort in logical reasoning. People are built to have some faith in others, and if that trust is broken, one will take a while to forgive but it will happen again naturally. For some reason, Americans have a tendency of trusting other quickly. In life we have to learn to trust others in order to build solid foundations. These five core social behaviors help to build the individual into becoming a better person as whole. Each motive defines the self and enhances the overall quality built within each person. These core motives helps to balance the survival tactics needed to be successful and live a long fulfilling life. Building a solid and strong foundation creates a path for developing loving relationships, building and enhances one’s self-esteem and their self-worth, and having the opportunity to become part of a group or community. .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8 , .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8 .postImageUrl , .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8 , .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8:hover , .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8:visited , .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8:active { border:0!important; } .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8:active , .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8 .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue0a2ecc0c4a23506c438c1c6fc65b8d8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Ever Changing Concept of Health EssayWorks Cited Fiske, S. (2010). Social Beings: Core motives in social psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons Inc.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Multidatabase Query Processing, Introduction to Transaction Management, Distributed Concurrency Control, Distributed DBMS Reliability Essay Example
Multidatabase Query Processing, Introduction to Transaction Management, Distributed Concurrency Control, Distributed DBMS Reliability Essay Introduction to Transaction Management Name: Course: Lecturer: We will write a custom essay sample on Multidatabase Query Processing, Introduction to Transaction Management, Distributed Concurrency Control, Distributed DBMS Reliability specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Multidatabase Query Processing, Introduction to Transaction Management, Distributed Concurrency Control, Distributed DBMS Reliability specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Multidatabase Query Processing, Introduction to Transaction Management, Distributed Concurrency Control, Distributed DBMS Reliability specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Date: Introduction to Transaction Management A transaction is a sequence of operations of the database that are organized in a basic unit where databases are kept reliable and consistent. A database is said to be consistent when it has the following features; it has referential integrity, it maintains entity integrity and if it remains within the constraints set by the domain values. Moreover, a database should remain consistent before the execution of a transaction and after. During the execution of a transaction, a database should be in an inconsistent state where no other transaction should be exposed to it. Regardless of the number of transactions accessing the database, it should always remain in a consistent state[1]. The reliability of a database is determined by its capability to recover and its resiliency. A transaction is a sequence of operations involving the commands of reading and writing on a database. For instance an SQL statement is regarded as a transaction, a program that is enclosed by the commands ‘Begin-transaction’ and ‘end’ is also a transaction. A transaction can be terminated by commands of committing it or rolling it back. If a transaction is committed, it has been successfully completed and if it is rolled back, it has been aborted. The commit command makes the effect of the operations of the database permanent and the results can be viewed by all other transactions. The rollback command on the other hand has the effect of undoing the operations and restoring the database to the state it was before the transaction was executed[2]. Transactions can fail to complete for three reasons. They could be aborted by the management system, either if the system crashes or if the transaction aborts itself. When this occurs, the effects of the transaction should be undone. This helps the user to forget about the undone transaction as it has already been taken care of. However, if a transaction is completed it should be durable and its effects should last. The database management system log ensures the undoing of incomplete transactions where necessary. A database must ensure that four very important qualities of a transaction are fulfilled. These are atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability. All transactions should be atomic, meaning that they are supposed to either happen or not. All transactions should run by themselves and should be consistent. By default, the database management system assumes that the transactions are consistent. Transactions should be isolated from the effects of other transactions that are executable concurrently. The effects of the transaction should be consistent once the user is notified of their success even in the event of the crashing of the system. A user is usually responsible for the consistency of their transaction. If a database is in a consistent state when the transaction is beginning, the database should remain in the same state after the transaction is over. The management system for the database does the work of enforcing the commands and other constraints that the transactions should operate on. Every transaction sees the database as consistent. The user issues commands that prompt transactions and assume that each transaction shall be executed by itself; however, the management system of the database arranges the actions to be performed concurrently. The total effect shows the user that the many transactions that they have tasked the system to perform have been executed one after the other[3]. Since transactions are seen as series of read and write commands by the management system, a list of actions is developed. The management system also specifies if the transaction is to be committed or aborted. A schedule is created by the management system for transactions. The schedule is a list of actions, whether read, commit, write or abort that are attributed to a set of transactions. The order in which they happen in the schedule is similar to how they occur in the transaction. The schedule is also seen as an execution sequence of a set of transactions. The schedule describes actions as they are seen by the management system. Transactions are of different types and can be classified according to different classifications. By applications, transactions can be regular or distributed transactions. The transactions can also be compensating or heterogeneous. A compensating transaction has the purpose of undoing the effects of previous transactions. A heterogeneous transaction on the other hand has the runs in a heterogeneous database. By duration, transactions can be classified as short-life or on-line transactions or as Batch or long-life transactions. By structure, there are nested transactions and traditional flat structured transactions[4]. There are other types of transactions, for instance, a sub-transaction is a transaction that must begin after its parent transaction and end before its parent transaction. This means that the commit or abort command of this kind of transaction depends on its parent. The sub-transactions that exist within one parent are executable in parallel. The sub transactions have a special feature of recovering from failures independently without affecting the rest of the database and other transactions. Bibliography Chorafas, Dimitris. Transaction management: managing complex transactions and sharing distributed databases. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 1998. Gray, Jim and Andreas Reuter. Transaction processing: concepts and techniques. New York, NY: Morgan Kaufmann, 1993. Ozsu, Tamer, and Patrick Valduriez. Principles of Distributed Database Systems. New York, NY: Springer, 2011. Saake, Gunter and Kerstin Schwarz. Transactions and database dynamics. New York, NY: Springer, 2000. [1] Dimitris Chorafas, Transaction management: managing complex transactions and sharing distributed databases (New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 1998), 98.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Feeding of goats Essay Example
Feeding of goats Essay Example Feeding of goats Essay Feeding of goats Essay Introduction Feed is really of import for farm animal as for dairy or beef/mutton intent. To acquire a maximal net income from any farm animal a good eating direction and feeding harmonizing to alimentary demands is necessary. If eating is non harmonizing to demand, most of the provender food is loss and there is no consequence on the public presentation of the carnal.feed is a individual most cost in any farm animal elevation. About 64 % cost is on feeding excepting the labour. Good managemental patterns decrease the provender cost. The chief accent in this article is on the alimentary demand of caprine animals, feeding patterns which promote good wellness and increase immune map and ultimately addition production of meat and milk from caprine animals. Goats are really good browser i.e. they merely eat immature foliages of workss. By age, strain, production system either milk or meat, sex, organic structure size, physiological province and clime we can find the alimentary demands of caprine anim als. Feeding patterns is as that it can run into the protein, energy, vitamins and minerals demands. Goat consumes feed 3-4 % of their organic structure weight on dry affair footing. This feed consumption is change harmonizing to the phase of the animate being, organic structure weight, palatableness and physiological province of the animate being. Alimentary demands of dairy and mouton caprine animals Foods which are more of import for caprine animals Carbohydrates It includes sugars, amylum and fibres. Sugar and amylum are present in grains while fibres contain cellulose. And these saccharides are converted into volatile fatty acid by first stomachs agitation with the aid of bacteriums which are usually resident of first stomachs. Young leaves and fresh grazing lands contain extremely digestible fibre which contain more energy. Energy is presented as Entire Digestible Foods ( TDN % ) . It is recommended that half of the diet of the caprine animal is consist of hay or grazing land to minimise the high energy related diseases. Energy demands are varies harmonizing to physiological provinces of caprine animals e.g. care, gestation, lactation and growing. Dairy childs require more energy as comparison to grownups. It is recommended that high energy ration is fed at the clip of lactation. Proteins : Proteins are of import for organic structure growing. Different proteins are broken and change over into amino acids which are finally absorb in little bowel. These aminic acids are form organic structure proteins i.e. ( musculuss ) . This interruption down is occurs in first stomachs. Eatages, soyabean repasts, canola repasts and barly are the good beginning of proteins. During growing protein demands are increased and besides in milk synthesis. Always organize a cost effectual ration is made because protein is a expensive provender point. Water Good quality H2O is ever offers to caprine animals. Decrease H2O consumption can leave a negative consequence on public presentation of the caprine animals. If caprine animals are on high protein diets, they consume more H2O. Vitamins and mineral Goats require vitamins and minerals for their proper operation of different systems. Vitamin A, D, E and K is must be in provender because caprine animals can non do these vitamin in the organic structure. Although other vitamins are formed in the organic structure. Vitamin B is formed in the first stomachs and it is indispensable for caprine animal metamorphosis. For proper operation of immune system vitamin C is required. Both the micominerals and macrominerals are indispensable in caprine animal diets. 2:1 ratio of Ca and P is recommended. When minerals are added in provender, maintain in head that some eatages have high in some minerals while less in other minerals. Fat Fat is besides a good beginning of energy for caprine animals. Dairy caprine animals when browse they can devour some sum of fat besides. Excess energy is stored in the signifier of fat in the organic structure and during lactation high energy is required and this fat is use as an energy beginning. Feeding patterns for caprine animals The procedure by which nutritionary demands of caprine animals is relate with the alimentary ingredient of the provender is called as eating patterns. It can better productiveness. The chief aims of good provender patterns are 1-minimize provender cost and 2-increase carnal public presentation. Feeding of caprine animal childs For new born child foremost three yearss are really critical. The immature is merely like a non-ruminant because first stomachs is non developed, and meets their demands from foremilk and subsequently from milk. Colostrums contain high degree of proteins, globulins, and fat and milk solids. If child is non separated from dike merely after pull the leg ofing, child should have foremilk at least for first three yearss. If child is separate so it should be given milk replacer up to 8-12 hebdomad or until weaning age. ( The procedure by which child is separate from dike ) . Weaning age for meat purpose caprine animal is about three months while for dairy caprine animal it should be 3-4 yearss but depends upon the pattern. Kid starting motor should be incorporating 11 % fibre and 16 % petroleum protein and good quality hay for first stomachs development. Herd replacing eating From ablactating to up till 6 month of age child starting motor is used at the rate of 0.25-0.5 kg/day. Together with good grazing land and high quality eatages macro and micro minerals should be added in the grain mix which contains 16 % petroleum protein. When carnal grow at engendering age from six months to onward they require grain mixture about 0.5-1 kg/day, rough protein 14-16 % and vitamin E and A in provender. 25 % protein is non recommended in turning replacing. The genteelness is depends upon the weight and age of the does. Blushing ration is besides used for dairy caprine animals ; it is the addendum of energy and protein one month prior to engendering clip. Or when vaulting horse is introduced in herd. For meat caprine animal it is non necessary. Feeding of meat does in early gestation ( non-dairy ) In first 90 yearss of gestation meat caprine animals require foods for growing and care. For foetal growing extra foods are less require. From good quality eatages, minerals, salts and vitamin E and A is sufficient for dry caprine animal. Small sum of protein is necessitating if eatages are non good quality. Feeding of meat does in late gestation ( non-dairy ) During the last 60 yearss of gestation particularly 4-6 hebdomads prior to pull the leg ofing 12-14 % petroleum protein and grain mixture, good quality grazing land and hay is recommended. Feeding dairy does in early lactation Dairy does necessitate extra foods for milk production, some extra foods are necessitating for foetus. For multiple foetuss more protein and energy is required. Ingrain mixture with 12-14 % protein, good quality hay and salt mineral mixture is recommended. Far-off prohibitionist does feeding Dry period is recommended for maximal milk production. Last 2 months are of more attending for pregnant does. These 2 months are divided into two stages 1- Far-off dry period and 2- close-up dry period. Far-off dry period is the clip period in which does are dry merely 3 hebdomads before pull the leg ofing. Mammary system is repair during dry period and mammary cells are besides regenerates. Dry affair consumption is about 2-2.5 % of organic structure weight. 12-14 % protein in grain mixture is recommended. Feeding of passage or Close-up prohibitionist does The last 3 hebdomads of gestation is called as close-up dry period or passage period. In this period alimentary demand are increase dramatically while feed consumption is decrease about 35 % . At this phase carnal need more protein and energy to avoid the negative energy balance Nursing does feeding In first few month of lactation more foods are required by does to run into their demand for milk production and for childs. About 16 % petroleum protein is recommended along with vitamins and minerals. Feeding child for meat intent After 3 months of age i.e. weaning clip doelings are separated from clasping. Bucklings are kept for meat and doeling for replacing of herd. For meat purpose weirdo eating is done in this pattern extra addendums are fed to increase the growing rate 30-35 kilogram before 6 months. Creep eating is a good pattern to increase the weight addition. It is consists of maize, oats or pull the leg of grower mixture which contain 14-16 % of protein and fiber about 10 % . Slaughter at the age of 6 months is good pattern. Feeding for milk production Particularly in early lactation does are in negative energy balance, so good managemental pattern can increase the milk production and less opportunity of disease. At 6-8 hebdomads of lactation milk production is at extremum while feed intake extremums at 3-4 months of lactation. In first month of lactation animate being lose about 0.5-1 kilogram organic structure weight/week. But at four months lactation does derive weight 1-2 kg/month. 3-4 % adding if fat in diet can increase energy degree of diet to run into the demands in early lactation, high degree of protein is besides required. The ideal temperature for milk production is 50C-250 C. To diminish the emphasis on the dairy caprine animals following points are keep in head. Give less sum of provender more often Quality eatages should be given To keep pH attention deficit disorder buffer in provender For addition fibre digestion give barm Fed fat to increase energy degree Cool H2O is provide in summer
Friday, November 22, 2019
10 Shelf-Sign Errors
10 Shelf-Sign Errors 10 Shelf-Sign Errors 10 Shelf-Sign Errors By Mark Nichol Errors on store signs are less egregious and more common than those on the products sold themselves, but one wonders, based on these photographs (and on the mistakes we see all the time while we’re shopping) if anybody who works in retail is paying any attention. Somehow, this rollback doesn’t seem like such a good deal. I assume the person who prepared the sign simply used the wrong currency symbol, and I assume store employees don’t ever look at the signs. This error rarely shows up in print or online, though redundant use of both dollars and the dollar sign (as in â€Å"He spent less than $500 dollars†) appears on occasion. What’s a flue shot? Getting ejected out of a chimney like a human cannonball? I’d pay twenty bucks for that as long as a parachute is included in the cost. The employee who typed this sign evidently didn’t have a 12-pack of â€Å"Genness†on hand for reference or maybe they did, and sampled some. No, thanks for some reason, I’m just not that hungry anymore. Now, that, on the other hand, I might just have to try. (What was on that employee’s mind?) The N key, you’ll note, is close to but not adjacent to the K key, so a simple slip of a finger didn’t cause this typo. I’ve been wondering what Dan Quayle is up to these days. Not only is potato misspelled, but salads has an extraneous apostrophe. Third offense: Why â€Å"potatoe salad†but â€Å"macaroni salad’s†? Make both salads singular, or make both plural, Dan. And the person who type’s these sign’s is misinformed about how to style plural’s. Stationary looks anything but it appears that the word (which should be spelled stationery in this sense) and flashlights are about to make a break for it. Just what, exactly, is a Skittles Theather Box? Presumably, theathering is involved. It appears that this shelf holds every type of movie-watching snack but Skittles, but whatever. The sign maker, and fellow Whole Foods employees, didn’t catch the dueling verbs at the beginning of the second line. As regular Daily Writing Tips readers are wont to remark, I make mistakes like this on occasion (despite reading posts aloud while I proof), but this error seems too obvious to overlook. And what’s up with â€Å"conventionally grown†? That’s an awkward counterpart to organic why would any self-respecting Whole Foods customer buy something conventional? These images are from the websites Apostrophe Abuse, English Fail Blog, GrammarBlog, The Great Typo Hunt, and Wordsplosion. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Incorrect Pronunciations That You Should Avoid16 Misquoted QuotationsHow to Write a Proposal
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Cultural Aspects of Moving to Japan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Kelly's Assignment in Japan - Case Study Example Based on the information given in the case study there could be identified several clashes in cultural customs and expectations. The first clash in cultural customs and expectations has occurred when Kelly and her family arrived in Tokyo and saw their new apartment. Despite a high rent price, their new apartment was very tiny that they could hardly move fit in their personal belongings. This was the first big disappointment for the whole family. The second clash in culture customs has occurred when Kelly exchanged the handshake greetings with Japanese colleagues. In Japan bowing and presenting business cards are absolutely appropriate and expected forms of greeting. Moreover, the formalized exchange of business cards is the whole ritual in Japan, called â€Å"the meishi†(Gesteland, 2005). A handshake is appropriate for Europeans and Americans, but not for Japanese (Reisinger, 2009). The Japanese bow is an important aspect of non-verbal communication, which represents respect, personal humility and social harmony (Nixon & West, 1995). The fact that the new boss was a foreigner, and more importantly a woman was another serious clash in cultural customs, as in such culture as in Japan with high masculinity index, woman-boss and foreigner is a foremost difference (Solomon & Schell, 2009; Yoshida, Yashiro, and Suzuki, 2013). Another clash has occurred when Kelly asked the teams to prepare presentations. The Japanese were reluctant to preparing it as they perceived that group commitment was required for it. This behavior can be explained by differences in context orientation, as Americans have individualistic orientation, while Japanese – group orientation (Reisinger, 2009).Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Online Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Online Business - Essay Example The Headquarters and call centre is based in Leeds, West Yorkshire. Their huge buying power of over '150 million a year enables them to purchase stock at discounted prices. This allows them to provide the customer with a huge choice of top brand Electrical Appliances at truly unbeatable prices. Prompt delivery is the priority of EmpireDirect.co.uk. The fast, efficient delivery service comes direct to your home. Their bulk stocks means that most orders are processed and delivered normally within 2-3 working days from payment anywhere within the UK mainland. UK mainland delivery starts from just '1.49 per order, some of the items include free delivery at our hugely discounted rates. All products carry the full MANUFACTURERS GUARANTEE. What's more, at EmpireDirect.co.uk also offer a NATIONWIDE IN-HOME SERVICE on all non-portable appliances should the need arise. Optional extended guarantees and installation services are available at discounted rates. EmpireDirect.co.uk has now been in o peration for over 25 years. You can take comfort in the fact the company has many years of experience in the supply and service of electrical goods throughout the UK, and is financially secure. EmpireDirect.co.uk has been listed No. ... 006 Europe's 500, an annual listing endorsed by 3i, Microsoft, Boston Consulting Group and PricewaterhouseCoopers and published by Europe's Entrepreneurs for Growth. Hitwise is pleased to announce that EmpireDirect.co.uk has qualified for a Hitwise Top 10 Award December 2007. Empire operates a quality system approved by BSI. EmpireDirect.co.uk is a key member of RETRA - the Radio, Electrical & Television Retailers Association, which lays down strict guidelines on performance in all areas. EmpireDirect.co.uk scooped the best e-trading award for the UK in the prestigious government backed ecommerce awards. EmpireDirect.co.uk successfully won the Top 100 Worldwide Website awards 2004. EmpireDirect.co.uk supports the IMRG "Internet Shopping is Safe" Campaign and they are on the Safe Shopping List. This campaign is backed by Industry and Government and aims to re-assure the customer of the safety of shopping online. EmpireDirect.co.uk supports the IMRG "Internet Delivery is Safe" Campaign too. This campaign is also backed by Industry and Government and aims to re-assure the customer of the safety of getting your order delivered. 100% Secure Shopping. All personal information is stored using 128 bit encryption. They utilise the industry-standard Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt all the personal information including credit or debit card numbers, names and addresses. They offer optional secure payment options with Google Checkout and Paypal Task B Terms and Services 1. Titles - General, Customer Sales, Delivery, Installation, Collections, Cancellation and Returns, Refunds, Guaranties and Warranties, Faults, Data Protection, Others, Christmas Delivery , and Extra membership Terms and Conditions 2. Reference to statutory rights - Reference is made to our National
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Cultural Barriers When Negotiating with Women and Minorities Essay Example for Free
Cultural Barriers When Negotiating with Women and Minorities Essay A hostage negotiation occurs when a criminal uses innocent people as bargaining chips. The scenarios for these circumstances vary from a desperate mother perhaps who in fear may barricade herself with her own child to a bank robber who utilizes the people around to assist in his getaway. In addition, a more publicized type of hostage situation would be the terrorist type situations where a completely new set of rules must be utilized to deal with these type incidents. For example, a mother may be desperate and reacting in fear. Most likely this type of person the mind set is not that of a criminal and she has no real intentions of hurting anyone but for the most part is reaching out for a solution of some type. The first job of the hostage negotiator should be to create safety. When a negotiator arrives on the scene there may be several armed officers with emotions running high and general confusion. The environment escalates the fear that is already present in this woman and she is most likely fearful for her life as well as the child or hostage she may be holding. Brute force would not be the best method to use in this type of situation as the woman most likely is not looking to harm anyone and is actually seeking some way of escape. For the most part the percentage of women who take hostages are considerably lower than that of a male committing the same crime. Upon arriving on the scene, it would be crucial for the negotiator to get organized and establish some sort of communication with the hostage taker to determine what her issue may be. If the negotiation looks like it might take some time it would be wise to consider a position that would offer some type of permanent accommodation. The next step would be to attempt to determine as much information about the situation as possible. For example, it would be important to know how many hostages and if possible their names. Then it is crucial to determine what they are demanding and from there determine what is it that they are really asking for. Since typically by nature, women tend to be more emotional it would be wise to determine where her frame of mind is at this time. The questions to consider is whether she is desperate and fearful or are her emotions running high with a sense of hopelessness where she feels she has nothing to lose? Also, if possible it would be beneficial to determine is she under the influence of any type of drug or alcohol as these factors could make the situation much more difficult as it is often times impossible to reason with a person under the influence. Their grasp on reality is greatly altered and what is plain logic will not register plainly to them. Another type of hostage situation to consider is a terrorist type situation where the person who the negotiator is dealing with is not from this country and then a whole new set of issues would require attention. Most terrorists who apprehend hostages may believe that they are truly doing a heroic act and it is most likely a religious type of motive. It is hard to reason with a person like this without understanding that this person has no fear of death. In fact, they most likely welcome it as they are under the impression that they will be greatly rewarded in the after life because of what they are doing. In addition, many times when dealing with hostage takers from the middle east they are so despondent as they have lost much in the way of possessions and more importantly they may have lost family members. In the case of these type hostage situations they are not holding the person, for the most part, in a building like perhaps a bank robber type situation. In these cases the hostages are more likely to be picked up from a public place and carried away to another secret location. The hostage takers in turn contact whomever they feel are the appropriate people and from that point make their demands. For the most part they may provide some type of proof alerting the authorities on the number of people taken and assurance that they are still alive. In these type instances they may appear, and often do, have the upper hand and it is the negotiator’s duty to balance the situation. It is imperative to determine at this point what the terrorists may be asking and if the request if realistic and one that could be honored. From this point the cooperation of several government officials may come into play and the decision on who to contact should be made considerably quick. Another type of hostage situation would be when an individual from an urban community is the criminal. Many times these people are desperate and will not be open to negotiation. Often times they are determined they will not be caught and their way of life has reduced the respect of other people’s lives, as they have no great respect for own. Another issue that is prevalent in these type situations would be there also may be the involvement of drugs and alcohol so the negotiator may not be dealing with a lucid personality.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Multinational Corporations and the Destruction of the Family Essay
The pursuit of the bottom line is the goal of many businesses of a variety of sizes. The ability to buy cheaply, sell dearly and minimize costs across the board gives businesses an edge that allows them to create vast amounts of wealth for those with a stake in the business or corporation, but at what cost? Multinational corporations create great deals wealth but they propagate social and cultural inequality, poverty and environmental damage at rates to rival their gains. Multinational Corporations wield incredible amounts of political and economic clout, clout that allows them to manipulate a region without fear of recourse on the part of the localities in which they reside. The gains of corporations with respect to political and economic status are often accompanied by the withering of political and economic status on the part of indigenous populations and local labor forces. Specifically, the appearance of multinational corporations has served to aggravate the erosion of political and economic status at the familial level. The wielding of this economic and political power on the part of corporations is often characterized by violence on the part of its agents. One aspect that allows multinational corporations to survive in the business world is their lack of responsibility to the localities in which they do business. Albert J. Dunlap, a former CEO of multiple corporations had this to say about corporations : â€Å" The company belongs to people who invest in it- not to its employees, suppliers, nor the locality in which it is situated†. Even the market itself encourages corporations to be amoral and to turn a blind eye towards the needs of its employees and the regions. According to Richard Robbins â€Å"the fact is that environmenta... ...rized by the gendered conflict endured on the part of women worldwide. Female workers are appealing to multinational corporations because they are less likely to object to substandard working conditions(less likely to riot) and because corporations are able to pay women far less than what a man would make performing similar work. Women suffer physical and sexual abuse at the workplace in developing countries, trapped because they need the small wage they earn to support their families. The choice between starvation and abuse is a grim reality that many around the world suffer. Corporations have the power to pay women equally, and to pay all workers at a level that they can survive on, without threatening their profit margins by more than a few percent. Yet consider once again the Dunlap and Robbins quotes near the start of the paper, there is no motivation to do so.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Imperialistic Africa Essay
During the 19th century of the Industrial Age, many European nations (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Britain) sought for a source for raw material and a market for manufactured goods in Africa. This economic motivation helped drive the Scramble for Africa. The Scramble for Africa [1885-1910] was when many European nations competed for colonies in Africa. To take control of these regions, the European powers came up with the Treaty of Berlin. This stated that they would not sell firearms to Africa; which resulted in Europeans having a monopoly on guns in Africa. However, although it stated that they would not sell firearms to Africa making it easier to take it over, it also stated that they would suppress slavery. During the Scramble for Africa, or the imperialism imposed in Africa, there were great contributions that ultimately modernized Africa, as well as, bad influences, such as the carving of Africa without the influence of the traditional tribal boundaries, causing tribalism and civil wars. Many modernizing contributions were in medicine and education. The British built hospital and schools in Africa. They also contributed to putting an end to the slave trade. The access to basic medical care and education were, therefore, due to British intervention. This boost in medical care also heightened many African life spans. Also, some Africans were even allowed to have a western education rather than just basic education. Also, eventually, Britain allowed the African colonies to vote for power, realizing that the only way for safety in Africa was to rule with the people. This eventually concluded with many African nations liberating themselves from British control and becoming an independent nation, such as Republic of Congo (1958), and Tanzania (1964), Although there were some contributions that helped to modernize Africa, there were also many harmful effects from the imperialism of Africa, such as the methods they used to take control of some regions. In other cases, there was not a clear understanding of what the treaties were about or what the consequences of them would be. Secondly, military force was used in some cases when there was a large amount of resistance to colonial rule. Unit Two: Studying Africa through the Social Studies] This suggested that sometimes European nations would use brute force to impose their authority over the native people. For example, during the Battle of Rorke’s Drift, 3,000 to 4,000 Zulu warriors were killed for their land. This left only a remnants of a once strong tribe of warriors. This demonstrates how military force was used in some cases when there was a large amount of resistance to colonial rule. Also, according to The White Man’s Burden, by Rudyard Kipling, many native people did not like European imperialism. For example, in the 1st stanza 4th line, he states,†To serve your captives’ need†This illustrates how many natives thought themselves like prisoners. In another line, he states, â€Å"To seek another’s profit, and work another’s gain. †This demonstrates how rather than how Europeans said they came to protect them by signing the treaty; they actually used the colonies raw materials to help fuel their own economy. A major long-term negative effect that still affects Africa today are the arbitrary political boundaries which European nations established. The European nations never thought about the traditional tribal boundaries. This results with several different tribes in one nation that may feel ill towards one another causing civil wars and power struggles within national governments. For example, the 2nd Congo War involved eight African nations, as well as about 25 armed groups. By 2008 the war and its aftermath had killed 5. 4 million people, mostly from disease and starvation. By the turn of the 21st century, the economy of many African nations was suffering. They were battered by rapid population growth, declining export earnings, foreign debt, drought, floods, and civil war. The average African household consumed 20% less than it had in the 1950s. The continent’s birthrates and mortality rates were the highest in the world. More than half of all foreign aid was consumed by debt service. In addition, over 73% of the more than 40 million people infected with HIV (see AIDS) in 2002 lived in Africa; 30% or more of the populations of Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe were infected. Nevertheless, Africa largely escaped the financial turbulence that engulfed much of the rest of the world in the late 1990s and again in the early 21st century. [Africa, History of (II)] Because of the imperialism of Africa, many European countries have become powerful nations filled with wealth and prosperity and Africa now have many schools and hospitals. Many Africans can now go to school and get an education and may even one day start businesses. However, the negative aftermaths of European Imperialism on Africa has greatly affected its nations. Because of the long-term political borders dividing Africa, there are many civil wars killing millions of lives and spreading disease. Although Europe brought schools and hospitals, it does not make up for all the lives that could have been saved if the European nations had just considered the traditional boundaries rather than for their own profit. Even the education and health care were not substantial. They were the most basic forms of education and health care. Only very few were allowed to have western education. Therefore, overall there weren’t many positive impacts for the African people from European Imperialism.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The strategic purpose of members of the school team
The strategic purpose of members of the school team.School governors.School governors have a responsibility of running a school, they are made up of a variety of people who are linked with the school and local community. Their main duties are:To set aims and objectives for the school.To adopt new policies for achieving the aims and objectives.To set targets of achieving the aims and objectives.Senior Management Team.The school management team work closely with the head teacher and is made up of more experienced staff, usually the headteacher, year group leaders and SENCO. They usually meet once a week to discuss issues and make dicisions concerning the running of the school and discuss how information will be passed on to teachers and support staff.Other Statutory Roles.SENCO Is responsible for managing and monitoring the provisions of those with special needs in the school.This includes:Insuring liaison with parents and other professionals in respect of the children with special nee ds.Advising and giving support to other staff in the setting.Ensuring that appropriate individual education plans are in place.Ensuring that relevant background information about individual children with special needs are collected, recorded and updated.SENCO also monitor and review the provisions for pupils with special educational needs and make sure all paperwork is in place for those who are on Early Years of School Action and Action Plus. The Foundation Stage manager have the responsibility of ensuring that the Early Years Foundation stage is being run accordingly to the statutory requirements of the Early Years foundation stage document. They are responsible for making sure that observations, assessments and record keeping are up to date and all foundation stage staff are trained in its implementation.Teachers.Teachers have the responsibility for the planning and preparation for all subjects under the national curriculum. Teachers usually have another area of responsibility, t his could be as a member of the serious management team or a subject area. In school each subject are will need to be represented so that there is a person responsible for it. They will be expected to know about curriculum developments in their area and to feedback to staff through meeting. They also need to be available to advise and support other teachers in their subjects. The local authority also arrange subject leader forums which teachers are expected to attend.Support Staff roles.There are many different Support Staff roles within a school, these include:Learning Support Staff.Learning support staff work with teachers in the classroom, helping pupils progress with their learning. They include teaching assistants (TAs) and high level teaching assistants (HLTAs).Administrative Staff.Addministrative staff provide essential back up services for the whole school.Welfare and Support Staff.Pupil support staff are responsible for pupils outside the classroom, break, lunchtime and out side school hours.Specialist and Technical Support Staff.Specialist and technical support staff are on hand in schools to provide support and resources that are needed for teaching and learning.Site Staff.Site staff play an important role in schools, ensuring that the environment is clean, safe and tidy and that meals are available at lunchtimes.There are a huge range of external professions wo may work with a school, these include:Education Psychologist, who will support the SENCO in providing assessments and observations to pupils who have addition needs.Speech and Language Therapists, who will work with pupils on speech, language and communications I producing and understanding language.Specialist Teachers, who offer advice and support to pupils with a range of needs including, behavioural, social and communication needs such as autism and English as an addition language.The Educational Welfare officers visit schools and work with the Head teacher to monitor pupils attendance, pr ovide support with issues around absence and also work with parents to support excluded pupils on their return.The Schools Improvement Partner work alongside the local education authority, they will visit the school for three to five days each year advising and supporting the head teacher in looking at way sod devolving the school through both the school self evaluation and pupils progress. Focusing on academic factors, extended school provisions and liaison with parents.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
No Furture for Humanity Essay
No Furture for Humanity Essay No Furture for Humanity Essay The Future of Humanity By: Jason Lee We live in a world where we have many different types of life. One that is exponentially grown within the past century is humanity. This type of life consists of many different aspects because of the universal expectation put on life forms. Once again, this complicated process of expectation is exclusive to humanity. It is said that one of the most influential forces in the development of humanity is religion. Religion has caused humans to find peace with themselves and others, but also have been known to disrupt the peace as well. The way religion achieves these results is by having control. To control something, is to be able to alter its state without consent or a rebuttal. Religion does this in a very intellectual way. Religions reassure that the individual is the one with the control, but the way they should use that control should be limited and/or confined. When this type of deception occurs, people become blind and are unable to reach their true potential. Of course, this ty pe of deception is passed on to the next generations until stopped. Parents and religious organizations brainwash children who are unaware that they are given the birthright to be free. Since children are unable to analyze information critically, they feel that the only right thing to do is follow the herd. If the world is filled with followers, then who’s left to lead? Only the ones who are smart enough to attain those followers are. Religion is very similar to the way the government systems and politics work, which is why they are so successful. Religion is able to strike fear in the hearts of many, without a way for them to retaliate safely. Religions have taught their followers that if they are with someone who hasn’t followed a similar way-of-life, then their opinion and thoughts shouldn’t account for anything important, or that their ideas are ‘wrong’. Some religions even impose that those who oppose their religion shouldn’t deserve to live to the end of their natural lives. Life’s questions that can’t be answered by an ordinary individual’s mindset seem to be answered by religions across the globe. The masses are unable to think freely, so they attend masses, and participate in classes, that only enforce the fact that their religion is correct. Many people are content with the ideals that religions have to offer, but to impose them on people who are unwilling is wrong. Are people willing to seek what is truly right and wrong, or are they just searching for an easy way out? Many people that follow religions don’t seem to follow the practices that an individual in the religion should. Prayer is an important aspect of staying true to one’s religion, but not many follow this sacred ritual. Communicating with the ultimate power that supposedly gave you and everything around you life and animation should be a significant part of daily routine. Thanking the force that
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
7 Most Common SAT Math Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
7 Most Common SAT Math Mistakes and How to Avoid Them SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips I spent several years tutoring students in SAT Math, and many found the section frustrating. The first test-takers for the new SAT in March felt the same. Some struggled because they felt their strong suit was English and were irkedby the content, mental math, and the pacing of SAT Math. Others found that although they considered themselvesexcellent math students, they struggled to finish and get the score they want. No matter what group theyfell into, students tended to make the same seven mistakes on the SAT Math section. In this guide, I’ll tell you what those mistakes are, give you examples, and let you know to avoid making these mistakes in the future. Mistake 1: You Didn’t Write Out All of the Steps Some students hate writing out their work for math problems.I know; I'mone of them.Trust me, while SAT Math problems may look simple since they only require you to know basic math topics (i.e. no advanced calculus), these problems are actually quite intricate, requiring you to go through many steps to get the correct answer. If you don’t write out all of these steps, you can accidentally end up with the wrong answer.This is especially important in the non-calculator section where you’re not able to rely on a calculator to help you find the correct answer. Together, we’ll work through this no-calculator SAT Math question and write out all of the steps: To determine what the price per pound of beef was when it was equal to the price per pound of chicken, you need to first find the value of $x$ (the number of weeks after July 1) when the two prices were equal.The prices were equal when $b=c$; that is, when $2.35+0.25x=1.75+0.40x$. $$2.35+0.25x=1.75+0.40x$$ You can find the value of x by reducing. $$2.35(−1.75)+0.25x=1.75(−1.75)+0.40x$$ $$0.6+0.25x=0.40x$$ $$0.6+0.25x(−0.25x)=0.40x(−0.25x)$$ $$0.60=0.15x$$ $$x={0.60}/{0.15}=4$$ Then, to determine b, the price per pound of beef, substitute 4 for $x$ in b=$2.35+0.25x$, which gives $b=2.35+0.25(4)=3.35$ dollars per pound. Therefore, D is the correct answer. When I initially attempted this problem, I didn't write anything down, and I accidentally added 1.75 to 2.35 instead of subtracting 1.75 from 2.35. Therefore, I got the wrong value for $x$, 27.33. Thankfully, when I plugged that into $b=2.35+0.25x$, I found thatmy answer wasn't one of the answer choices, so I caught my mistake. However, I'm lucky because I would have answered incorrectly otherwise. You don't want to miss questions because you didn’t write out all of the steps.This is arguably the easiest mistake to fix.Write out all your steps, and you’ll never accidentally get a question wrong because you skipped a step! Mistake 2: You Forgot Formulas The SAT gives you some formulas at the start of each Math section.However, the College Board doesn’t provide you with all of the formulas you need to know to answer every question in the SAT Math section. Luckily, here at PrepScholar, we’ve created a complete list of all the formulas you need to know for SAT Math.Create flashcards to help you memorize these formulas.However, memorizing alone is not enough.If you have the formulas memorized, but don’t know how to use the formulas, they’re useless to you. The best way to practice using formulas is to do as many SAT Math problems as you can. Let's work through this SAT Math question that you couldn’t answer without knowing formulas and how to apply them: If you didn't have your trigonometry formulas memorized (SOHCAHTOA), you would have no idea how to answer this question. It's impossible to answer this question without at least knowing the formulas for the sine and cosineof an angle. Memorizing formulas is not only necessary to answer certain questions correctly, but it can also be a time-saving shortcut. If you were a formula whiz and knewthe complementary angle relationship for sine and cosine, which is $sin(x °)=cos(90 °Ã¢Ë†â€™x °)$, you'd know immediately that the answer is $cos(90 °Ã¢Ë†â€™x °)={4}/{5}$ or $0.8$. However, if you didn't know that formula, but knew the sine and cosine formulas, you could stillsolve this problem by constructing a diagram using the given information.It’s a right triangle (which it has to be to use sine/cosine), and the sine of angle x is ${4}/{5}$. If $sin(x)={opposite side}/{hypotenuse}$,then the opposite side is 4 long and the hypotenuse is 5 long: Since two of the angles of the triangle are of measure $x$ and 90, the third angle must have the measure $180 °Ã¢Ë†â€™90 °Ã¢Ë†â€™x °=90 °Ã¢Ë†â€™x °$. If we know that $cosine={adjacent side}/{hypotenuse}$, then,using the figure, $cos(90 °Ã¢Ë†â€™x °)={4}/{5}$or $0.8$. SAT Math may make your brain hurt! Mistake 3: You Didn'tKnow Functions Functions are one of the trickiest topics in SAT Math.This is not because they'remore difficult than other topics, but rather students are simplyless familiar with functions than they are with other math concepts.The good news is that you'll easily master functions withpractice and familiarization. Let's work through thisSAT quadratic function question together: To figure outwhich answer choiceis the equation of the graph,you shouldstart by finding the y-intercept. Youcan see in this graph that the y-intercept is 2, which means you can eliminate C and E since C had a y-intercept of -2, and E has no y-intercept. The vertex of the graph is at $x=0$, so the function is not shifted to the right or left of the y-axis. This means that, in your quadratic equation $ax^2+bx+c$, your b value has to be 0. If it were anything other than 0, the graph would be shifted left or right of the y-axis. Let's look at the remaining answer choices, A, B, and D, to see which one had a b=0. A does so that might be the correct answer, but let's rule out B and D. Answer choices B and D are squaring expressions, so let's FOIL them in order to see the equation properly. Answer choice B gives us: $$y=(x+2)^2$$ $$y=(x+2)(x+2)$$ $$y=x^2+2x+2x+4$$ $$y=x^2+4x+4$$ This equation has b=4, not b=0, so it can't be the answer. You can also eliminate D; when foiled, it gives us: $$y=(x−2)^2$$ $$y=(x−2)(x−2)$$ $$y=x^2−4x+4, so b=-4$$ Therefore, A is the correct answer. If you're still struggling, check out our full guide to functions. Remember, you'll master functions with practice, so take as many SAT math practice tests as you can. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! Mistake 4: You Panicked atan Unfamiliar Question Format SAT Math problems are often asked in strange waysthat you've never seen in math class. When confronted with these unfamiliar question formats, many students rush to move on to the next question thinking they'll come back to it, or they'll just try to guess the answer.Even though you’ve reviewed all of the math content areas and knew your stuff, you don't think you know how to answer the question. There is no easy solution to this issue.The only way to learn how to approach SAT Math questions is with practice. SAT Math questions are unlike the math questions you’re used to seeingin your math class, so to get familiar with the SAT Math question style, you should take as many practice SAT tests as you can. Let’s work through this convolutedSAT Math problem together: At first glance, this question looks overwhelming with a chart and a large paragraph. Don't let that scare you. Read carefully, and try to identify the important information as you read the question by circling or underling.Ask yourself: What am I solving for? What information am I given? How can I use this given information to find the solution? We're trying to find the probability that a right-handed student selected at random is female. We're told that there are 5 times as many right-handed females as there are left-handed females, and there are 9 times as many right-handed males as there are left-handed males. Also, we know the total number of left-handed students is 18, and the total number of right-handed students is 122. To solve this problem, you need to create a system of equations using two variables ($x$ and $y$) and the information you’re given in the question.Let $x$ be the number of left-handed female students and let $y$ be the number of left-handed male students. Using the information in the question, the number of right-handed female students will be $5x$ (since there are 5 times as many right-hand females as there are left-handed females) and the number of right-handed male students will be $9y$ (since there are 9 times as many right-hand males as there are left-handed males) . Since the total number of left-handed students is 18 and the total number of right-handed students is 122, the system of equations below must be true: $$x+y=18$$ $$5x+9y=122$$ When you solve this system of equations, you get $x=10$ and $y=8$.Thus, 50 of the 122 right-handed students are female.Therefore, the probability that a right-handed student selected at random is female is ${50}/{122}$, which to the nearest thousandth is $0.410$.The final answer is A. Don't run away from a weird question! Mistake 5: You Solved for the Wrong Value Because SAT Math questions can be convoluted, it's sometimes difficult to figure out what the question is asking you, which leads some students to solvefor the wrong value.Take for example this SAT Math question: This question throws a lot of numbers and letters at you. It gives you angle and side measures and mentions a similar triangle. Some students might accidentally solve forthe measure of the sides of DEF. Don't let the numbers and letters distract you. Make sure to identify what you're being asked: what is the valueof$sin F$? To find$sin F$, we need to start with thegiven information: Triangle ABC is a right triangle with right angle B.Therefore, AC is the hypotenuse of right triangle ABC, and AB and BC are the legs of right triangle ABC. According to the Pythagorean theorem, $$AB=√{(20^2)-(16^2)}=√{(400)-(256)}=√{144}=12$$ Since triangle DEF is similar to triangle ABC, with vertex F corresponding to vertex C, the measure of angle F equals the measure of angle C. Therefore, $sinF=sin C$, and $sinF={3}/{5}$.The final answer is ${3}/{5}$or $.6$. This problem has an easy fix: take the time to read the question fully, circle the important information, and make sure you know what you’rebeing asked before you start doing any work. I know you don’t have a lot of time on the SAT Math section (that was one of the chief complaints from the new SAT test-takers), but you need to read each question completely and make sure that you know what you’re being asked.You’ll get better at this with practice. Most SAT Math questions will have an answer choice that will seem correct if you misread the question.I know it’s rude and sneaky; the SAT is trying to tempt you to answer incorrectly.Don’t fall prey to the tricks! Read the question correctly, and you’ll be on the track to get the right answer! Mistake 6: You Used Your Calculator Incorrectly Calculators are both wonderful and horrible.You only get to use your calculator on one part of the SAT Math section, but for that part, you need to use your calculator carefully.When you’re rushing to answer SAT Math problems, you might accidentallytype the wrong number(s) into your calculator, leading you to the wrong answer. This isone of the better mistakes to make. Because if you type the wrong number(s) into your calculator, you’ll likely find no matching answer in the SAT answer choices, andyou’ll realize you made an error.However, even if you catch the error, you’ve still wasted valuable time that you could have been using to answer more SAT Math questions. Moral of the story: take the time to check that you’ve copied the numbers into your calculator correctly before running the calculation. Don't let your calculator become your enemy! Mistake 7: You Didn’t Pace Yourself With only 25 minutes to answer 20 questions in the no-calculator section and only 55 minutes to answer 30 questions in the calculator section, you need to learn to pace yourself.However, not every student should attempt the same pacing. You should plan your pacing based on your target SAT score. In both math sections, the questions progress from easy to hard and then re-set on the grid-in portion from easy to hard. No matter what your target score is, you should always attempt the easier questions: the first half of the multiple choice and grid-ins. If you're aiming for a Math section score above 700,then you're going to need to answer all or almost all of the 58 Math questions. That means you will need to get your pacing under oneminute per question for the easier questions to conserve time for the harder questions. If you're aiming for a Math section score below 700, then you can skip some questions.Focusyour time on trying to answer the easier questions correctly (the beginning questions of the multiple-choice and grid-ins).Consider bubbling in a random letterfor the harder questions since there is nopenalty for guessing. Note: if you use this strategy, make sure that you’re answering enough questions to reachyour target score.No one is perfect, so count on answering a few questions incorrectly. For example, if you’re aiming for 600 in Math, then you shouldattempt at least 45 questions before bubblingin random answers for the other 13 questions. That way, if you answer five of the 45 incorrectly, you can still get 600. Give yourself acushion. To really master yourpacing on the SAT Math section, you need to take a lot of practice tests under realistic testing conditions.For a more in-depth explanation on pacing, check out our guide to help you beat the clock and maximize your SAT math score. What’s Next? Now that you know the most common mistakes on SAT mathmake sure you’re prepared for all of the math topics you'll see on the SAT.All of our math guides will take you through strategies and practice problems for all the topics covered on the math section, from trig to radians, coordinate geometry to systems of equations and much more. Feeling anxious about test day? Make sure you know exactly what to do and bring to ease your mind and settle your nerves before it's time to take your SAT. Angling to get a perfect score? Check out our guide to getting a perfect 800, written by a perfect-scorer. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Math strategy guide, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Organizational Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Organizational Culture - Essay Example Mallinger and Goodwin depict how technology, competition and dynamic business environments in the technological epoch have increased the need for organizational culture. Comprehending the cross-functional effects of change is imperative to the fostering of a productive organizational change (Mallinger). Organizational change influences positive change in organizations that observe it. When the culture of an organization aligns with its goals and mission of an affiliation, positive results are available. According to the authors, cultural insight induces awareness of employee acceptance of change and pinpoints root causes of quandaries that hamper increased performance. Organizational culture is measurable through determining how an organization’s members can affect change, conform to ambiguous practices, achieve orientation, handle individualism against collectivism, handle egalitarianism and orient time and orient space. The authors offer an example of the Goodwin Company whe re its employees have an influential nature, had minimal collaboration among its management and lacked strategic plans for the company’s future (Mallinger). This adversely affects its organizational culture. The proposed structural alterations include establishing a strategic management department that addresses core challenges, offering employees and clients an influential voice and establishing a vision that encourages belongingness and fosters teamwork between all departments in the affiliation. ... Recognizing Organizational Culture in Managing Change Mallinger and Goodwin depict how technology, competition and dynamic business environments in the technological epoch have increased the need for organizational culture. Comprehending the cross-functional effects of change is imperative to the fostering of a productive organizational change (Mallinger). Organizational change influences positive change in organizations that observe it. When the culture of an organization aligns with its goals and mission of an affiliation, positive results are available. According to the authors, cultural insight induces awareness of employee acceptance of change and pinpoints root causes of quandaries that hamper increased performance. Organizational culture is measurable through determining how an organization’s members can affect change, conform to ambiguous practices, achieve orientation, handle individualism against collectivism, handle egalitarianism and orient time and orient space. T he authors offer an example of the Goodwin Company where its employees have an influential nature, had minimal collaboration among its management and lacked strategic plans for the company’s future (Mallinger). This adversely affects its organizational culture. The proposed structural alterations include establishing a strategic management department that addresses core challenges, offering employees and clients an influential voice and establishing a vision that encourages belongingness and foster teamwork between all departments in the affiliation. After initiating such reforms towards positive organizational culture, the authors found out that shifting an established organizational culture is a challenging activity that requires utter
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Homeostasis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Homeostasis - Essay Example This is because they could lead even to the eventual death of the person. The body system is requires consistent regulation in order to allow other functions to remain constant. Therefore, homeostasis as a biological function is tasked with regulation of the internal conditions to ensure that the human body is stable. On that account, as a medium of maintaining a dynamic range of environmental qualities, homeostasis possesses control mechanisms that have receptors of sensing stimulus. This means that information is sent to a particular control center that determines various stimuli that often elicit a change in organs, muscles, and other vital body structures (Szablewski, 2011). Therefore, instead of holding an internal environment within a given point, homeostasis has the potential of giving a negative feedback that reduces the activity of the organ systems and any other output. Regulation of blood pressure, for instance, is the operation of the negative feedback especially when it assists in the decrease of the heart rate through vasodilation. However, with a set point instead of working range of temperatures, the body can get overworked. This is because the negative feedback mechanism is devoid of regulatory changes that respond effectively to the stimulus. Consequently, a homeostasis imbalance necessitates inefficiency and defective body control systems. A set point equally results to an internal environment with physical changes, risk of illnesses and aging that could destabilize the overall body system. Alternatively, a homeostatic imbalance creates a high concentration of salt in the blood system causing a decline of oxygen in the body. It, thus, generates a chain of homeostatic emotions that include thirst, breathlessness, and warmth (Wood et al., 2012). Likewise, a set point is retrogressive in the body system because it fails to restores vital
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Demon Lover Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Demon Lover - Essay Example The aura of this story is psychological because the mysterious letter is a physical element with mental and emotional implications. We all have demons; the skeletons in Mrs. Drover’s closet in this story happen to be real. The man Mrs. Drover was intended to marry, before he was sent to war told her he did not know how long he would be gone, but she had nothing to do to await his return. Months after his departure he is reported missing, presumably killed. For years she goes unnoticed and un-admired by men. When her mother and sister fear she is past all hope, at 32 she secures the affections of William Drover. They marry and have three children. Her fiancà © is the incarnate ghost of her past which has been haunting her since she attempted to her live her life after his disappearance. She struggles with the fact that she doesn’t know why she agreed to marry a man who was not kind to her. She still sees it as a suspension she was in and was not able to get out of. Something that still haunts her and makes her think of him, whether as a threat or as a person she left or could not wait for. She may feel guilt but it may be at her own actions. Guilt of feeling emotion for a man who did not treat her the way she wanted to be treated. When Mrs. Drover is described in her house, a house boarded-up and damaged by war, it’s painting for the reader an image of her life as affected by her long-lost fiancà ©; like her house, she’s damaged though emotionally, and boarded up and abandoned. She also described as living in the country-side, away from the house and with her new family. If one were to see the story this way, we could also see her in the house presently to clean out the remnants of her feelings for her fiance, or to begin the final battle to get him out of her mind. This is supported by the description of the weather as we’re introduced to the deserted house: overcast, as if preparing to storm and later, we hear rain. This description has nothing to do on her doubts of her fiance’s disappearance; it just helps describe her journey in a clear way, though on her, a physical sign of her war is seen through a nervous twitch of her mouth. We should realize the fact that psychological st ories such as this one are made for the reader, so we need to pay attention to the fact that Elizabeth Bowen is trying to direct our minds down certain path, especially when introducing us to the house. She is trying to set a mood that is bleak, sinister and warning of something darker being imminent. The neighborhood being described as war-torn makes the area seem tormented, â€Å"Against the next batch of clouds, already piling up ink-dark, broken chimneys and parapets stood out†(Bowen, 1). This mood is also set by the weather in the beginning of the story where Bowen is trying to build an atmosphere of tension. This story is psychological because Mrs. Drover’s evils are either a figment of her imagination, or they’re products of her ex-fiance’s threats, which are both physical and emotional. The letter she finds in her house is the first example of a physical threat, whether it is from him or not, she perceives the letter to be a threat in the way tha t the writer makes this whole story affect the reader: through controlled vagueness which causes the imagination of the recipient run wild and cause damage. The other physical reminder of her lover is the scar on her hand from
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Metaphor And Theme Of David Copperfield English Literature Essay
Metaphor And Theme Of David Copperfield English Literature Essay The aim of this thesis is to study the metaphor and theme of David Copperfield written by Charles Dickens for understanding of this novel. 2. Introduction to Charles Dickens and David Copperfield Charles Dickens, the most popular writer of the Victorian age, was born near Portsmouth, England, in 1812 and he died in Kent in 1870. When his father was thrown into debtors prison, young Charles was taken out of school and forced to work in a shoe-polish factory, which may help explain the presence of so many abandoned and victimised children in his novels. As a young man, he worked as a reporter before starting his career as a fictional writer in 1833. In his novels, short stories and essays, Dickens combined hilarious comedy with a scathing criticism of the inhuman features of Victorian industrial society. Many of his novels Great Expectations, A Christmas Carol, Oliver Twist, etc., have been made into first-rate TV and film versions. David Copperfield is the story of the narrators life from early childhood to adulthood. In it, David describes all the obstacles he had to overcome in order to acquire peace of mind and economic stability. Chapters 1-2: David enjoys a happy childhood with his mother and her faithful servant, Peggotty, until his mother marries again and proves powerless to protect him from the cruelty of his stepfather, Mr. Murdstone. Chapters 3-4: Mr. Murdstone sends David to a boarding school in London where he makes friends with Steerforth and Traddles. When Davids mother and his baby brother die, David is sent to work at Mr. Quinions business. Chapters 5-6: While he works at the wine-bottling business David stays at Mr. Micawbers house but when the latter leaves London, owing to his debts, David decides to go in search of his only relative, Miss Trotwood, whom he finds in Dover. Davis is sent to school again and becomes a great friend of Agnes Wickfields, at whose house he stays when hes not at school. Chapters 7-8: After finishing school David goes to Yarmouth to visit Peggotty, who has married Mr. Barkis. There, he meets Steerforth who seems upset that Emily, Mr. Peggottys niece, is marrying her friend Ham. At Mr. Spenlows, with whom David is going to study law, he falls in love with Dora, his daughter. Chapters 9-10: David arrives at Yarmouth after Mr. Barkiss death. There he hears that Emily has run off with Steerforth. Mr. Peggotty is devastated and starts searching for her. Back in London David proposes to Dora and is accepted. Chapters 11-12: When Miss Trotwood informs David that she has lost all her money, all his plans collapse. He starts learning shorthand to find a good job in order to be able to marry Dora. In the meantime, Uriah Heep, a disgusting man who lives with the Wickfields, wants to marry Agnes. Mr. Peggotty keeps looking for Emily. Chapters 13-14: David and Dora marry thanks to the money he has earned by writing stories. Dora proves to be a very incompetent housewife, but David loves her all the same. Mr Peggotty hears that Emily has left Steerforth and asks an old friend of hers, Martha Endells, to look for her in London. Martha locates Emily and Mr Peggotty decides to emigrate to Australia with her and the Micawbers, now that Mr Micawber has got rid of Uriah Heep and exposed him as a thief. Chapters 15-16: Dora falls ill and dies and, in Yarmouth, a terrible storm kills Ham and Steerforth. Moreover, all the rest of Davids friends, except for Miss Peggotty and Traddles, leave for Australia. David travels abroad to try to forget Dora but he falls ill and returns to England. David eventually marries Agnes, who had always loved him, has five children and becomes a famous writer. 3. Metaphor analysis 3.1 Devils and angels The novel has a clear-cut moral structure, whereby the good characters are clearly distinguishable from the bad characters and on the whole, good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. 3.2 Predatory animals Images of predatory animals are used to convey cruelty, destructiveness, opportunism, and exploitation of other people. In Chapter XXVI, Uriah is described as being like a great vulture: gorging himself on every syllable that I said to Agnes, or Agnes said to me. In similar vein, in Chapter XXXIX, Uriah and his mother are like two great bats hanging over the whole house. In Chapter XLVIII, David gives up trying to improve Doras mind, fearing that if he continues, he will degenerate into the spider again, and be for ever lying in wait. There is an implicit reference to Mr. Murdstone, who acted in just such a predatory and cruel way with Davids mother 3.3 Symbols 4. Theme analysis 4.1 The abuse of power David Copperfield examines those who have power over the weak, and finds that they often abuse it. Davids first experience of this is as a child, when a kind and gentle authority figure, his mother, is supplanted by cruel authority figures, the Murdstones. The Murdstones stop Davids education and send him to work in a factory, where he is unhappy, poor, and hungry. Mr. and Miss Murdstone crush Clara Copperfields spirit, make her ill, and arguably are responsible for her death all under the pretence of improving her mind and firmness of character. There is an interesting parallel to this episode in Davids marriage to Dora. Dora is similar to Clara Copperfield in her childlike nature and unfitness for housekeeping, and David at first tries to form her mind by teaching her aspects of housekeeping and educating her. However, this only makes her miserable and defensive, and David, unlike the Murdstones, is sensitive and caring enough to notice this and stop trying to change his wife. By providing a parallel situation with a different outcome, Dickens shows that everyone has a choice about how they exercise their power, and that it is the responsibility of the powerful to treat the powerless with kindness and understanding. 4.2 The importance of kindness and charity In David Copperfield, Dickens portrays many types of human suffering: for example, poverty, child labor, social disgrace, and betrayal by friends and loved ones. While he does not suggest ways to systematically reform society to lessen these abuses, he does put forward an antidote on the individual level. He emphasizes the vital importance of kindness and charity that is given without thought of return. Such acts are nevertheless generally rewarded, as a kindness given inspires a kindness in return. 4.3. Equality within marriage In Chapter XLV of David Copperfield, Annie Strong says, There can be no disparity in marriage like unsuitability of mind and purpose. The novel emphasizes the importance of this kind of equality within a marriage, though Dickens was not so progressive as to embrace modern notions of equality, where neither partner has authority over the other. While Annie and Dr. Strong love, respect, and honor each other, Annie has no objection to kneeling before her husband as a sign that she submits to his authority. Dr. Strong does not abuse his authority, but always treats Annie with gentleness and compassion. Conclusion
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